Part 21.

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Part 21.

Sang's POV.
Kota, Luke, Nathan, North and I all walked down to the beach, walking along the sand. The last time I stood on a beach was that evening North and I stayed in the hotel. Seeing the sea in broad daylight is so much different. The waters are crystal blue, my feet sink into the soft, white sand. I feel like I've jumped onto a perfect movie set.
The boys make it even better.
While Kota and North walk with Luke further up, Nathan is slowly stepping alongside me, holding my hand, his grip tightening whenever a wave splashed hard, as if he was afraid the water would pull us in, and he didn't want to let go. For most of the time, he didn't speak, but I didn't mind. Strolling down the beach with the comforting sound of crashing waves, and the distant voices of the boys in front of us was enough for me.
The wind picked up at one point, so Nathan snaked his arm around my waist and brought me closer to his warm body, heating me up. I didn't have long sleeves and I was grateful that he was thoughtful enough to think of my cold arms.
I turned my head, "Thank you."
His cheeks reddened but he grinned back, "You're welcome. How are you liking your first holiday with us?"
I shrugged, snuggling closer to him, "It's amazing."
"Except for the stalker part."
"Yeah, except for the stalker part."
He chuckled, then his expression grew serious, "I just wanna know who it is so we can stop them and I won't have to think about it non-stop."
I bit my lip and nudged him with an elbow, "Stop thinking about it."
"Nup. Still thinking."
"Stop thinking!"
He perched his head to the side, as if contemplating but shook his head with a smirk, "Nah, not working, still thinking."
With a bold idea in mind, I stopped walking, making sure that the others weren't watching us, and reeled him in from his jacket for a quick kiss. He seemed to be struck surprised by this, but as soon as he started to kiss back, his hand roaming at my waist, I pulled away, wanting to continue to feel his warmth, my lips slightly wet, and grinned up at him.
His still closed eyelids fluttered open softly as he gazed back down at me,
"Still thinking?" I asked, my voice softer.
After a second, he pecked my forehead, muttering something under his breath. Meeting my eyes again, he smirked, "Oh, I'm still thinking. About you."

Victor's POV.
I watched Gabriel focus intensely on the grim brick wall in front of us, his eyebrows furrowed, twirling his hair around his finger, muttering under his breath. Every now and then he moves his hand in front of the wall, as if thinking of positioning. He loves these kind of jobs, when he gets to utilise his talents by graffiti, or performing together as band. Things like that. We all enjoy when we're passionate about what we're doing.
I came with him because we shouldn't really be alone with the threat of a stalker looming over us, but also, I don't mind contributing to his artsy ideas, putting my own thoughts in.
"Have you got an idea yet?" I asked.
He turned to me, his sharp blue eyes flashing brightly, "Yeah. Yeah, I do," he bit his lip, turning back to the wall, "I'm just wondering what order to put them in."
"Put what in?"
He sighed heavily and put his arms out, expressing, "You know how we were talking about what animal we would all be? I was thinking of putting them all on a long trail, through a forest or some shit, I dunno, it's stupid, forget it."
I rolled my eyes, secretly loving the idea, "It's not stupid, it's really good."
The hint of a smile crossed his lips, "You think?"
"Yeah." I gave him some ideas, then after a while, we having a full blown conversation, ideas flowing back and forth, ways of improving, using all the space. Eventually, we came to a decision that we both knew would work.
As he started carefully outlining the whole thing with chalk, my phone buzzed with an incoming call. I turned just out of the alleyway, answering Kota,
"Just checking in. You still with Gabriel? All going well?"
"Yeah, we're-"
"Victor! Get your...fucking shit, get off of me...Victor!"
Panicking at the sudden sounds of kicks and punches and grunting and Gabriel swearing, I almost swore clean out at the sight of Gabriel on the ground, two dark figures struggling wig him. I said to Kota,
"Come now. We need back up."

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