20: Father

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That morning at the Vidarocs', Avicia was somewhat surprised to find many clan members still remained. Some, mostly children, slept inside on the floor of the main level of the house. Others slept outside in the grass, huddled in groups or pairs or even singles. She wouldn't have been surprised if some guests had even found their way into the Vidarocs' barn, curled up in heaps of hay.

It reminded Avicia of something akin, but far more wholesome, to after-party scenes in college movies.

Breakfast was sizzling on the stove, courtesy of Norgozi and Grandpa Threngrom, while Kraull and Grandma Mozva poked - or outright kicked - the heavier sleepers into consciousness. A few early-birds were already cleaning up, only mildly grousing about an aching head or stiff joints. Or, for the unfortunate, bruises where Grandma had kicked them.

The two 'city-slickers' had a quick nosh of breakfast, Kahdreg apologizing for being unable to stay longer. No matter the excuses, both Kahdreg and Avicia found time to do a restaurant's worth of dishes - both working quietly side-by-side - before packing up to leave.

Though no one mentioned the hickey on the crux of Avicia's shoulder and neck, barely hidden beneath her tank top's strap, she could feel the looks it got. Perhaps even the knowing grins coupled with elbow jabs. The one person she did catch looking with some vague approval was Namra. But that was only because Avicia had momentarily forgotten about the mark, until it throbbed under the orc woman's gaze. Heat flooded her cheeks as she looked away from Namra, hearing the orc woman huff in amusement.

Kahdreg did not notice the others' reactions to Avicia's newest blemish. Nor would they have cared much. Though their thoughts hadn't trailed too far away from last night or Avicia, in general. Annoying little thoughts intruded through their forethoughts. Recollections of Avicia's squirms and sounds making their insides clench. The relief of leaving some mark on her easing tension they hadn't quite acknowledged before last night.

The worst was how their stomach still somersaulted with delight, whenever they caught sight of the little reddish-purple mark on Avicia. The silent pride, knowing there were more than one on her body, unseen by others. It was asinine, archaic, instinctual delight and Kahdreg couldn't shake some sense of shame over it.

They were not actually dating. There were no true feelings involved. The hickeys, like this relationship, would eventually fade and be forgotten once the movie premiered.

That thought made Kahdreg's own tusks dig into their cheeks as their teeth clenched. They chose to shake the mounting frustration and confusion away. It was something they could dwell on at home.

Once their fair share of clean-up was finished, and a few more kind words and invitations to return exchanged, the two were finally free to head out. It took little time to load up their duffel bags and be traversing the rural roads. In the car, Kahdreg and Avicia fell into an amicable silence. Both fending off thoughts of last night as the former drove and the latter watched trees pass by their window.

After around twenty minutes, Avicia heaved a sigh and turned away from the passing fauna to look to Kahdreg. "Alright, I met your family and thensome."

"Yes." The orc returned her sigh, quickly glancing at her with an appreciative smile. "Thank you for taking all that in stride."

"Oh, don't thank me yet." A smirk curled at Avicia's lips, only broadening when Kahdreg's eyebrow gave an uncertain twitch. She turned to face the front again, though kept her partner in the corner of her vision, anticipating their reaction. "Now, it's your turn to meet mine."

Kahdreg's reaction did not disappoint. Their eyes snapped toward her, wide and caught off-guard. "What?"

"You heard me." Her words were casual, though her amusement was clear in her tone. It took all of Avicia's willpower to not glance at Kahdreg, not to flash a smug look at them.

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