Chapter TwO

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The next morning I woke immediately slipping out of bed, it was almost like a ritual of mine to check the basement every morning. I don't know if it's paranoia or some sick thrill of the possibility that someone was smart and dumb enough to escape all the while having to search and hunt down my prey, but it's enough to get my blood rushing first thing in the morning. Not that there is any chance of true escape, but here's the thing about hope it's a complete bitch and the feeling of watching someone lose any hope they were holding onto is indescribable. And once you lose all that hope you were desperately holding onto the fight or flight response is alerted, armed and ready, that is when the real fun begins.

Quickly changing I headed for the basement excitement coursing through my veins, opening the door the first thing I smelled was piss and vomit, seems my little friend had woken up in the night. Flicking the light switch on I walked down the steps ready to see a sight before me and I was not disappointed, vomit covered his leg's and feet as well as a puddle of urine beneath him.

"God you fucking stink," lifting my hand to my nose I tried to block the scent. It seemed as if he had woken up and was shocked either by the pain, stench, or disgust of his injuries, although I'm pretty sure the pain was the driver and his injuries were the catalyst. Fucking comical if you were to ask me.

"Looks like you're about to get another rude awakening just this time you're really going to hate what you see, and I'm going to have way too much fun," laughing to myself I turned to the wall to grab the hose. Makes the cleanup much easier and is also great for moments such as these, turning the knob I aimed the hose directly at his legs.

"FUCKKKK," pretty boy woke up instantly screaming bloody murder I'm surprised he didn't bite his tongue off.

"Shit, sorry I guess I should've gave you a warning huh? I know it's a bit cold but I figured you were a big boy, is it the pressure? Too much or should I crank it up?" Laughing I hosed him down all the while he screamed when the water hit certain parts of his body. After an agonizing few minutes I shut the water off leaving pretty boy there shivering and once again bleeding but it was very minor.

"You know I almost feel bad leaving you here like this, ha but don't get your hopes up, you're not going anywhere at least not alive that is," walking up to where he was I leaned in my face a mere few inches from his. "You will never see the light of day ever again, you belong to me now and I promise in the last moments of your life you'll be wishing you were in hell because what I'm going to do to you will make that place feel like a walk in the park." With a smile I pulled back quite disheartened that he didn't try anything but there would be time for more opportunities later. Staring back at me he tried to keep a straight face but I could see unshed tears in his eyes and decided that would be good enough for now as we'll have more time later when I visit again.

Heading for the stairs I was about halfway when pretty boy got the courage to finally say something and it seemed like I had struck a nerve, "you're pathetic, I swear I'm going to fucking kill you and when I do you'll be begging for mercy."

"Hmmm that's cute you finally grew a backbone for about three seconds but I wonder what sad insults you'll be thinking of when I cut out that pretty tongue of yours and feed it to you," I laughed to myself continuing up the stairs and shutting the light off on the way out.

Throwing on some clothes I headed out to run some errands making sure to lock up before taking off, pulling up to the store I caught glimpses of others making harmless eye contact as I walked inside. It's the funniest thing how people can look at someone and have absolutely no idea of the monster they are staring at, the very person you're walking by, making eye contact with, or even having a harmless conversation with could be the most dangerous person to you in that moment and you wouldn't even know. It brings a certain excitement to play nice with others when the thoughts about them in your head are anything but nice, the thrill of possibly looking your next conquest in the eyes and giving them false hope that they can trust you is irreplaceable.

"Shit, I'm so sorry," in a split second my thoughts were interrupted by someone knocking into me causing me to drop the things I had in my hand. Looking sharply at the individual, I noticed it was a man with tattoos covering his neck and a few scattered across his face which was a bit surprising as this town seemed a little more on the conservative side. Not giving it much more thought I bent down and picked up my things prepared to just walk away.

"I'm so sorry again it was completely my fault I was not paying attention. Um, my name is Hunter, what's yours?" I looked at him and watched as he gave me a quick once over as he introduced himself. His demeanor was perplexing; I couldn't tell if he was genuinely earnest or if there was something amiss in his behavior, but in the moment he was testing my patience. There was an underlying strangeness to this interaction I couldn't quite place and the whole encounter felt off. I wasn't sure what it was but I found it odd, so with a hint of distaste barely concealed on my face I chose not to respond, and instead turned on my heel and walked away.

Quickly grabbing the rest of what I needed I paid and walked back to my car and immediately noticed a folder on my windshield, frowning I grabbed the folder and chucked the bag of items in my hand into the backseat of my car before opening the folder, my curiosity piqued. Falling out of the folder seemed to be pictures and a note, as soon as I saw what they were I got an unsettling feeling causing a surge of anger to flare within me. Picking up the photo only confirmed my worst fear, someone had been watching me and not only that, but they had photographed me with the boy in my basement. Taking a breath I was trying to keep my head from spinning but the feeling of someone having any leverage over me was a hard concept to grasp. Snatching up the note in anger I read what was written:

You haven't been as careful as you'd thought, but don't worry this isn't blackmail. Quite the opposite actually and I'm sure this has intrigued you enough, and right about now you'd like to know who I am. So to satisfy your curiosity meet me at 1483 crestview st tomorrow at noon, there is a nice little restaurant we can meet at, and don't worry, I'll find you.

With my anger seething I tossed the contents from the folder into the passenger seat and sped out of the parking lot, this was un-fucking believable but I had no choice but to believe it. Somehow I fucked up and allowed someone to think they had gotten a step ahead of me, but once I found out who this person was I would never let them go, I would be the last person they'd see before they died and their first mistake would be getting in my way in the first place.

Pulling into the driveway with my emotions on a rampage I gathered my things and rushed inside. A part of me was desperate to retreat to the basement and take my anger out in the most pleasurable way I could think of but at the same time the fire running through my blood would end up painting the walls of the entire room. I couldn't kill him quite yet, it'd be way too risky at the moment and I like to savor my time with my kills not off them when I've barely had my fun. So instead I redirected my anger towards anything I saw in my path, after a good few minutes all that was left was shards of broken glass crunching beneath my feet, papers strewn everywhere, and pieces of furniture laying around in disarray. 

With my anger momentarily under control, I collected the scattered contents of the folder from the floor and examined the photos closely. There were only two, both taken on the day I first encountered the man now bleeding out in my basement. The realization unsettled me— whoever had taken these had been watching me far longer than I'd suspected.

The revelation ignited my fury once more, my blood practically boiling with rage. Grabbing a lighter, I set one corner of the photos alight and let it drop into the sink. Fueled by a surge of anger, I swiftly picked up the remaining photo and note, tossing them into the flames as well. Watching the flames flicker, my mind fixated on the image of the person audacious enough to provoke me, imagining their screams as they burned alive, slowly.

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