Meeting Toriel

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Rosie POV:

As I was wrapped around his fedora I had to warn that he was nearing the area of Toriel children under Toriel are never heard from again so this is my time

Hey Y/N

Y/n: Yeah Rosie?

You are sort of in Danger you are nearing Toriel's Home so try to sneak into her home then rob it then find another Exit

Y/n: Hmmm Alright thanks for warning me Anyways we shall be onward

*1 hour and 7 minutes later*

As you were sitting on a patch of Roses you encounter a Goat Lady

???: Hello Child you seem to be lost

Y/n: Yeah I am lost who might you be?

???: Oh I'm Toriel the caretaker of the ruins *she stares at you with Lustful intent*

Y/n: okay....... *You'd start to run away and due to you being light as hell you flee*

Y/N!? What's going on!? *Rosie asks you*


shit... *Rosie mumbles*

As I run I encounter her home and it was time I looted it so I went in and grabbed the following: Water,Food,Joke Book,Empty Journal,Canteen of Coffee,Pack of cigarettes

Then I ran into the basement to encounter a large door as it opened I was met with a Cold Breeze and a forest

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