You have been given a title for you being yet so young at the age of 14 but yet you know how to Murder effectively but the entire city chased you up on mount Ebott and then fall into the underground you think you might die oh boy were you wrong...
As you passed Papyrus's traps you were headed to Snowdin then you arrived you were a bit happy to finally be at peace or so until another human girl comes up to you
????: hello there never seen your face around here before *she'd say in a friendly tone*
Y/n: Oh yeah I forgot to introduce myself I'm Y/n nice to meet you Miss...
????: That'd be Frisk
Y/n: Ah yes Miss Frisk
Frisk: please don't call me miss your flattering me too much ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
Y/n: (◠‿・)—☆
Frisk:. *Nose bleeds* I have simped
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Author: HAHA CLIFF HANGER LOL Don't worry I ain't abandoning this I thought I'd do a bit of trolling
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