Something about the Rain

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As it turns out, filming was cut short that day because of the weather, and most of the scenes that were left required for the actresses to be outdoors. Which was as well as Shay wanted things to go since she had been anticipating and dreading the scenes with Sasha who she was still currently at odds with. She had managed to keep from seeing the blonde for the better part of the day and now that she was on her way home, she was congratulating herself for successully avoiding Sasha.

Now, Shay had a different dilemma. She had opted to drive herself to work but had parked about three blocks from where they were supposed to be shooting. The rain was pounding over the little space that crew had prepared for them, and she was 112% sure stepping out for a second into the rain would get her completely soaked. But if she didn't leave now she was going to be running the risk of seeing Sasha and to be honest, she wasn't quite ready to see the girl, yet. It was the end of the week, and she overheard Sasha talking to Troi about her possible trip of the weekend. She'd walked away from overhearing anymore of that particular conversation.

So here Shay found herself still adamantly avoiding the blonde, and she had just decided that getting soaked was an inevitability at the moment. She took a deep breath and expelled it, getting ready to run through the rain, but she felt a hand wrap around her forearm and her head snapped to the side to stare at her best friend. Who she had been neglecting. Again.


"Oh, you still know me?"

Shay sighed. "I'm sorry, I-"

"You know for someone who had been ignoring me for Sasha, you've been avoiding her pretty well this whole day." Ashley didn't even bother with small talk. She also talked over Shay when the taller girl tried to open her mouth. "And don't even pretend you weren't doing that, because you walked out of that set like your ass was on fire."

"I am pretty hot."

Ashley just rolled her eyes at Shay's attempt at deflecting the attention from her predicament. "What the fuck happened?"

"Why are you so concerned? More time for us!"

Ashley gave her a narrow-eyed look. "Walk in the rain." The blonde started to move forward, but Shay caught her arm frantically.

"Wait, wait, wait!"

Ashley paused. "At the amount of rain, we'd both be drenched anyway."

Shay pouted. "You'd let me get drenched solo?"


Shay's shoulders dropped at the same time her mouth opened in incredulity, watching Ashley walk off in the rain without looking back. "And you call yourself my best friend?!"

Ashley just kept on walking and Shay threw her hands up in frustration, pivoting on her heel to maybe do that small circular walk that frustrated people always do. But then her hands froze while they were still in the air and her eyes locked with brilliantly blue ones and she felt her breath catch. Her hands fell limply to her side and she visibly swallowed, not knowing how to deal with Sasha right now. She had been doing so well at avoiding the girl who was still ironically so stuck in her head that she hadn't prepared herself to see the blonde that day.

Apparently, fate was not on her side today.

"Hi, Shay." Sasha's voice was quiet and cautious, and she looked it, too. Her hands were clasped at the end of the umbrella she was holding over her head, ready to brave the rain that was not letting up. But she didn't really feel brave at all.

Shay nodded stiffly, remembering how she'd practically yelled at the younger girl and preached about how it was to properly deal with her life. Shay realized she shouldn't have done that. Maybe she stewed at home, and tried to remain angry so she could maybe get rid of the feelings she had for the blonde by replacing it was something that didn't involve her possibly falling in love. The brunette's jaw clenched at the thought, because fuck why was she falling in love with not only a girl, and that was complicated enough, but with someone who was probably gonna get back together with their ex.

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