Hiraishin no Jutsu

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Jiraiya was an excellent teacher sometimes. Right now wasn't one of those times. While traveling with a 16-year-old girl, he had slipped off to some brothel to be entertained by other women. Naruto had been meditating when the silence of sensei became unbearable, peeking one eye open, she discovered unsurprisingly he was gone.

"Are you fucking kidding me!" She cursed, jumping up indignantly. "That dirty old geezer!" She grumbled, kicking up dirt, she marched back to the small cottage they were staying at. But as there is often a light at the end of the tunnel, Naruto found her own light as she rummaged through Jiraiya's stuff.

With elated joy, she dug through boxes of scrolls, unearthing awesome Jutsu's that Jiraiya never bothered to show her. Naruto had actually been looking for his latest manuscript so she could defile it with her own shitty writing (hopefully) unnoticed, but this latest discovery was even better!

One that particularly caught her attention was one about traveling through space and time. If she remembered correctly, this was a jutsu used by Konoha's yellow flash! A totally badass jutsu that made you move at the speed of light. Scrubbing the excited drool that had pooled to the corner of her lips, she slowly deflated as none of the scripts made much sense. She hadn't touched fūinjutsu since she was in the academy, and even then, she wasn't particularly good at it.

She delicately placed the scroll back onto the floor, thoroughly put out. No! She worked herself back up again. She was Konoha's most unpredictable ninja! What was more unpredictable than totally acing this Jutsu!?

With newfound determination, she picked the scroll back up and slammed it onto the short-legged table in the living room. Picking up some ink, she began scrawling out some notes and attempted to copy the seal written in the scroll. Yes, this will work.






It wasn't fucking working! Aggravated, Naruto threw a kunai with a messily drawn seal on it to a tree and glared at it as nothing happened. What a joke. Growling, she marched back into the room to make another 10 copies of the seal she was failing spectacularly at utilising. Never once considering that it could be a problem with the implementation of the seal that was causing her woes.

On the fifth throw of her kunai, the metal hit the tree with a static shock that spent sparks into the air. Instead of being worried, Naruto was ecstatic! Finally, some results! She bounced excitedly on the spot, holding her sixth kunai, as her hair waved joyfully with her erratic movements. Tightening her pigtails with determination, as they had come loose with her jumping around. Naruto looked at her kunai with purpose.

"This time..." She grinned and kissed the kunai for good luck before pelting it in the air with deadly precision. She watched it soar through the air, and then for the briefest moment, she couldn't see anything at all.

She could feel nothing, not even the blood coursing through her veins. And then she was back. Dazed, Naruto blinked and registered her surroundings. Familiar, but not where she had been training. It really worked! Maybe a little too well....

She scratched the back of her head sheepishly as she recognised the trees belonging to Konoha's forests.

"Jiraiya is going to be pissed when he finds out I'm all the way over here..." she giggled. She and Jiraiya, at this point, had been well out of fire country. Shrugging it off, she strolled up to her kunai that was currently smoking a black ashen smoke. That couldn't be normal, but whatever, it worked! She could work on the finer points later, reaching to pull the kunai from the tree her hand snatched back at just how hot the sizzling piece of metal was.

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