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(warning FLUFF)

well of course the shop's janitor mopped the coffee that was splattered by jeno, they bow their apologies to the janitor of course haha.

"done ka na?"

mark hummed his yes, and started to clean up the table.

the gray sky turned into a gushing rain, which leaves unnoticed by mark, since he got his back faced the outside. "you have umbrella ba kuya?" mark already know what he meant about it, and slapped his forehead. the sound of the slapped flinched jeno.

he then asked the older, "why po?"

"i bought an umbrella but i left it sa loob ng car." he stated fastly and in a stressful tone.

awit haha, it's my time to shine na ata.

"don't worry, i bought my own since jaemin keeps nagging me about it." he still remembered jaemin's annoyed face, and giggled.

mark too giggled, "me too, my mom and tita won't stop reminding me about it and the weather." they have a lot of similarities in life, just like this having an caring family.

"share na lang tayo?"

"may hood naman to eh, okay na'to." sabi ni mark habang hinawakan ang kaunting tela ng kanyang hoodie.

wait bat biglang dumilim yung it's time to shine ko?

"i insist, and besides mababasa ka pa din kasi jacket lang yan, and malaki naman payong ko."


"oo wait, pakita ko sa'yo."

"wag, madaming tao, sa cr na lang." with a teasing look at jeno, the boy then groaned in annoyance at the older.

"hoy, jokings lamang eyon, pero seryoso okay lang talaga."

"mark, malayo dito yung parking lot."

hindi na sya maka-ayaw, at nagsimulang tumayo sa upuan nilang dalawa, binayaran ang mga inorder and bid there goodbyes to the cashier and the other staffs who's in there.

"wait, kunin ko muna payong ko." he then grabbed his back in put it infront of him, grabbing an white umbrella in it. the got outside and opened the umbrella under the waitng shed. mark attempt to hold the umbrella for them but then his second thoughts stopped him mid-way, jeno's tall that's why. but they do have the same height it's just yung kita nya kay jeno ay mataas. sungkit.

"ito oh, hold it I'll zip my bag muna." he passed the umbrella to mark and started zipping his bag, mark then happily hold the umbrella for the both of them.

well if you ask me what's their position, it's a normal one, mark's leading the way and again the umbrella's kinda big so jeno is on mark's side. "okay ka lang? hindi ka ba nababasa?" the younger asked.

putangina! ang cute ng kamay nya, reminder jeno lee, wag mong pupunasan ang payong na ito, bumili ka ng bago at itago mo to.

"yes to both, ikaw?"

"mhm, yes din."

they giggled at how silly their answers are.

but for jeno he was giggling to head the fact that his heart is pumping out of him, he started to caressed his chest and he felt like someone's drumming his heart, he's gonna be honest but he wants to stay in this position until the rain will stop's falling.

ikaw kase | markno/nomarkWhere stories live. Discover now