Chapter 17

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Jasper had been found on the floor of his bedroom by his mother, Eleanor, on Monday evening. He died of an overdose, caused by the suspicious white substance that was found at the scene, next to his deceased body. His funeral was held on Friday the 14th of February. I insisted that they move the funeral to a different day, but apparently Julian Riggs couldn't find time on his own schedule. So we ended up burying Jasper on Valentine's day. His favourite day. The day he was his happiest.

Just before the funeral started, everyone had been gathered outside of the church, chatting amongst themselves. I looked around, seeing random people that Jasper probably hadn't met before, mainly his dad's business associates and friends. All the Cypress teachers were required to attend, along with some students, even the ones that made Jasper despised. Inviting all of these people had just been an excuse to fill up empty seats, but Julian wasn't aware of all the people his son knew so he took it upon himself to invite who he pleased. I almost wasn't on the invite list, simply because Julian couldn't remember my name. Considering the fact that I had visited his penthouse countless times for dinners and functions, and he worked with my dad for a few years, the least he could do was remember my name. He asked me to give a speech, because I was the friend that knew Jasper the longest, that was all he remembered. I was actually glad that he asked me instead of a random person who barely knew Jasper.

I stood awkwardly outside the front of the church with everyone else, waiting until people started walking in. I was first approached by his mom, Eleanor Riggs, wearing a long, black Midi dress. Despite the fact that she was bitter and nasty, I still managed to feel bad for her as she slowly walked towards me, wiping her tear-filled eyes with a tissue. I had never seen her like this before, and it broke my heart a little bit.

"Hi Eleanor," I said softly, pulling her into a hug, which she surprisingly reciprocated.

The hug didn't last long, but I could tell that she found some sort of comfort in it as she rested her chin on my shoulder.

"Thank you, Nicole." She said as she pulled away, wiping her nose with her tissue.

"Naomi," I corrected softly, giving her an awkward smile.

"You were such a good friend to Jasper," She weeped quietly "He would always talk about your little group at school."

"He was a good friend to us, to everybody." I said honestly, feeling my own eyes mist over with tears.

"I can't help but think that you were a good friend to him," She sniffled. "After all, you were his emergency contact."

"What?" I tilted my head at her.

"He confided in his friends. You especially. So he made you his emergency contact. Not me, not his father. You. He loved you, he trusted you and I can't thank you enough for loving him more than we ever could." She wimpered.

I stood there starstruck, unable to form any words. I was an awful person.

"I'm gonna head into the church, goodbye Nora." She said, before slowly making her way into the building.

I didn't even bother to correct her. I had been so wrapped up in my own thoughts that I barely comprehended what she had said. Only when I caught sight of Wanda stepping out of her car in a black Prada dress and blazer, did I finally focus again. She didn't look at anyone, or even greet anybody. Instead, she put on her large sunglasses to cover her bloodshot eyes and kept her head low as she walked into the church. I knew how difficult this would be for her. Her brother died back in 2015 and she hadn't been the same since. She worried a lot, constantly checked up on us when we were sick or upset, and made sure that we were okay. She had always been like that though, putting others before herself. And I know that in some way, she blamed herself for Jasper's death, just like she did with her brother's.

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