||~"What happened?"~||

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    Y/K/N= Your Kingdom Name

    Espresso POV: 

       My eyes opened, I was somewhere I don't remember going to. I fell asleep one place yet... woke up another..? This world was strange. There were no cookies with bright hair or eyes. Just neutral colors. No intricate designs. Nothing. It was different it was weird.. a group of people suddenly interrupted my thought. How rude. "Your cosplay is amazing! Can we get a picture with you?" I slowly nodded my head confused, they thought I was cosplaying? They took the picture then ran off giggling. I dusted off my coat then began to walk. There were no candy houses, or anything made out of candy.. it was all wood, and cement.

      I kept getting weird stares as I walked past people. "Furry! Bark bark!" The snickered as they walked by me. This place confused me. Furry? Why would I be a furry, I'm not wearing ears or a tail so what would point that I'm a furry? I watched them walk off. 

      I saw a coffee shop and decided to go in. I ordered a Frappuccino. "Your total is $3.25" "What?" "Three dollars and twenty-five cents?" "I only have diamonds.." "haha funny joke, listen I don't want to talk to you longer then you want to talk to me, so give me the money and we can finish this transaction." "I said I only have diamonds." "I get it, you're probably from some rich suburb where you pay each other in golds and riches. But this is the city we don't got that here. So just give me the money so you can leave." I dropped the bag of diamonds on the table in-front of me. "Holy shit..." I then handed them three diamonds grabbed my Frappuccino and left. 

      I walked with only my mind to keep me company. I walked until I reached a park and sat down at a bench. "Did you see that guy?" "Yeah he had a large sword" "what does he think we're in the 1800's?" Both the people walked off. 'Holding a sword'? "Could that be-" Suddenly a person hugged me from behind, almost making me spill my caffeine filled cup. "The Devine have led be here to find you Espresso!" "Oh great. Your here" I turned my head to see a man with stupid blond hair and a sword. "It is great!" I could feel myself loosing brain cells when I'm around his general vicinity. "Aww look! Some couple is dressing up like Espresso and Madeleine! We should do that sometime, dibs on Espresso!" "You can't call dibs on me!" How did these people know my name, was it some form of light magic? Must be! Coffee magic ic superior in every way. Madeline looked as if you gave a cat catnip, trying to process what had just happened. I cleared my throat. "Are there others with you?" "Nope! You're the only other person I've found." I tried to wrap my brain around what was happing but I couldn't. It was almost as if we were in another universe.. wait. We could be, different form of currency, everything was built way different from magic city, yogucra, and Y/K/N.. we could be in some twisted Reality. "The Devine tell me to go this way!" "It is not the best idea to run off in an area we do not know.. but you can do whatever you want" "Almond?" "What-" I looked over at what he called almond. It was a man with brown hair and a jacket over his shoulders. "Holy shit that could be almond"




"Detective Almond cookie?"


"Is there something you. Finally two other cookies I know. Espresso what happened?"


"I do not know.."

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