Meeting - Request by CheekyAE

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(Doc is 63, Monty is 19)

it had taken years, but they'd finally escaped Elliot, together of course because Monty could never leave his mother behind, and moved out of Ohio. they didn't want to be found easily, so they moved to Durango, Colorado. as far away ask they could get with the little money they'd had. they'd finally left, when Monty was 15, when Elliot had attacked them with a gun. he'd beaten them both pretty good then dry fired the gun in Montys mouth, Michelle decided they couldn't take it anymore and left with him, this time for good. they'd move hours away so Elliot couldn't find them this time.

that had been 4 years ago and they were actually happy, living in a little house together and enjoying their lives now that Elliots not there.

"you're so nervous." Michelle teases. they're cleaning up the house for a special dinner guest that Michelle has yet to meet.

"can't help it mum. I like this friend I have coming over for dinner." Monty mumbles quietly. "I'm just afraid you won't..." Monty sighs. Michelle turns around and puts her hands gently on her sons shoulders.

"baby, if you like them, I'm sure they're a nice person." Michelle assures.

"I know they're a nice person." Monty mumbles. he looks down at himself. "I, I gotta get a shower, I'll be back down in a few." Monty says.

"alright, I'm gonna start dinner." Michelle smiles. whoever this is, must be absolutely important to Monty. he's been panicking all week, so Michelle is positive its not the man he's been hanging out with, Mack. she loves Mack like he was her own. he'd protected Monty easily and quickly became his best friend.

Monty comes back down the stairs, grinning happily. Michelle is still cooking. they don't have much, but they're willing to share with whoever.

"set the table baby." Michelle says.

"I'm working on it mum." Monty says, grabbing plates and setting the table. there's a quiet knock on the door and Michelle assumes Monty didn't hear it, so she takes her apron off and heads for the door. she's very surprised to open the door and find a 60 something man with silver hair. he's at least 6'5, probably 250 some odd pounds of muscle, and she can see scars creeping up over the back of his neck. he's dressed presentably, in a dark blue button up shirt, that matches his deep blue eyes pretty well. its tucked into a semi tight pair of jeans and topped off with a pair of boots.

"uh... can I... can I help you?" Michelle asks hesitantly. she's immediately on alert, all she can think of is that he must be a friend of Elliots. the man looks at her wide eyed, almost looking as nervous as she is.

"uh... I'm looking for Monty? McQueen?" he ask.

"can I ask who you are?" Michelle ask. the man holds his hand out.

"Doc Hudson." Doc says. Michelle doesn't shake his hand.

"Monty, someone's wants to talk to you." Michelle says, carefully looking Doc over. she doesn't trust him yet. she has to protect Monty. Monty looks over and lights up a little. he's still nervous, but he's excited now.

"oh hey." Monty murmurs, walking over. Monty hugs him, then steps to the side. he intertwines their fingers.

"who is this?" Michelle frowns at Doc.

"uh, mum, this Doc. he's..... the one coming over for dinner." Monty mumbles, face a little red. he can't say boyfriend. not with the front door wide open and not when he's still so unsure how his mom will handle this. Michelle looks at Monty then at Doc. Monty swallows hard.

"uh, come on in." Michelle says. Monty lets out a quiet sigh and pulls Doc out of the way so Michelle can close the door. Doc casts a glance around the house, giving a small half smile.

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