Part 4

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I rolled over onto my side seeing my husband fast asleep, I yawned and rolled onto my back. I felt an arm wrap around my waist and pull me back, I looked back and saw Oboro pressing kisses to my neck. I felt a light blush fall over my cheeks as I turned around and faced him, he smiled and kissed me softly. I kissed him back and pressed my palm to his cheek as he gripped my waist and pulled me closer. I laughed a little as I pushed him away and kissed his cheek before getting out of the bed. "Come on, we have to get up and wake up Sky." I said as I literally pulled him out of bed. He groaned and huffed as I pulled him onto the floor, I laughed at the face he was making.

"Come on!" I exclaimed as I pulled him across the floor, he stayed quiet but he was looking at me like I was crazy. I stuck my tongue out at him, "Fine, stay here. I'll go shopping with Sky by myself." I said with a huff as I let go of his hand and walked off to Sky's room. I heard something fall and laughed as Oboro came running towards me and picked me up before throwing me over his shoulder. He kicked down the door to Sky's room and picked up Sky as well before bringing us to our room and throwing us both onto the bed. We both giggled as we sat up and jumped off the bed before he jumped onto the bed. "Awe, I was so close too." he said, I laughed and kissed his cheek before picking up Sky. "Alright, you need to go get dressed, we're going to meet some of papa's friends, ok?" I said to her, "Okay!" she said as I set her down.

She went running to her room as I turned to Oboro, "Come on sleepy head. It's time to get dressed." I sad to him. "Fine, I'll get dressed." he complained, I smiled and went into the closet to grab some jeans and long black sleeved shirt with tall black boots. I walked out of the bathroom and see Oboro sitting on the bed with a picture in his hands, he seemed kinda upset. I frowned and sat next to him, "What's wrong?" I asked him, "Who's this?" he asked. He handed me the picture, I looked at it and smiled at what I saw. It was Touya and me, his hair was turning white and he had bandages on his wrist. It was the only picture I had of him and me, I was wearing one of his shirts and a pair of jeggings.

He was smiling a little, that was the first time I ever really saw him smile out of actual happiness. I smiled a little, "That's my ex, he was the first boyfriend I ever had. I actually forgot I even had this." I said quietly, then it hit me. If he found it then he was going through my stuff, "Where did you even find this?" I asked him nonchalantly. He seemed to get nervous, "It was with my stuff in the closet." he lied, I didn't have any of his stuff in my closet. I didn't even have anything for him. "Oh okay." I said, I wasn't going to let my emotions get in the way today. I took a deep breath, "I'm going to take a quick walk before we go, okay?" I said to him, he nodded but seemed skeptical. "Alright, I'll meet you at the bar." he said, I nodded before leaving the house.

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