Chapter 1

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It has been a rough year for earth. Thanos wiped half the universe out, but the avengers fixed it by travelling back in time. With a sacrifice tho. That's how they lost captain america and Rhodey/war mashine

They protect earth still.

You decide to help them. Your Village is Strong enough finally, and there has'nt been a threat for 6 years now.

You're 23 by now. Just at the beginning of a long life, since your mom gave you the rings at 16.
By now you can wield each ring easily, but  with room for improvement

You finally arrive at the Avengers new, new headquarter and ring

An agent comes out and checks you, he then proceeds to allow you in to see tony,fury and natasha. The others are busy or training, whatsoever. Its been quiet the last months so they are with their friends and families and just relax

"Welcome, how can we help you?" Fury asks as he offers you a seat

"I want to join you guys. My village has'nt been in danger for years, and i feel like something bigger will come to earth one day so i want to be with the avengers." You state proudly as you sit down

"Well since uh steve and rhodey are gone, clint is with his family and wanda and vison got an own family and bruce is currently working on his 2 personalities why not, i say yes." Nat states smiling

You Smile

"I agree." Tony adds as he leaves the room

"Why not, but don't try tricks." Fury states

"Don't worry, im annoying,sassy, and dramatic but not evil." You joke and hold your hand to fury to confirm with a shake

"Come on, i show you around." Nat smiles and you follow her

She shows you the rooms where the team members sleep who don't have a Family to go Home to, the IT area where they observe the whole world almost, garage where all the vehicles are, work space, workshop where tony and others build new technologie..vehicles and more.., and finally the training area, where you find bucky and sam training, Thor watching them

"Hello guys, this is y/n. She's new on our team!" Nat greets them

They stop and come to greet you

"Hey, im y/n, and you're bucky, sam and thor, right?" You Smile

"Yes, correct." Thor smiles

"Glad to meet you guys." You answer

"What's your power? You good fighter? A killer? Spy? Can you fly?" Sam asks curios

"Oh yea, im curios too now that he mentioned it!" Nat says and they all look at you

"Maybe i could explain it with everyone here so you all get to know me?" You offer

"Sure i will get Tony,fury and spider man." sam agrees

"I'll get Strange, scott and loki." Thor replies

"Wait, loki? Isn't he dead after he well, attacked thanos, after beeing a literal villain and murdering people?" You ask confused

"Its complicated but he's kinda back, somehow...after we timetravelled...yea." thor tries to explain

"Okay i guess." You laugh

A few minutes later everyone is together

"Well its nice we all got here, now we can all meet our new help and she can meet us. Now, tell us about yourself y/n." Fury says and everyone listens

"Okay so, i come from a Village far away from modern cities. Im 23, and my mom passed these 5 rings on to me. Each gives me a diffrent power when i choose it. I can also use more then one if needed. She died 6 years ago, one year after i got the rings from her.
Some giant demon attacked who wanted to eat humanity and other species, we had to stop him. She sacrificed her life.
But its okay, don't worry..i can fight good without the rings too. While i wear them i can use their power and only die if killed,not from natural causes or old age.
So i could basically life aslong as i want, unless someone murders me. If i pass the rings to a new choosen one i will just continue life as a normal person and die one day, pretty cool huh?" You explain alot

"Woah that's awesome. And what kind of powers does each ring give you?" Peter asks

"Why do you care? Nothing happend here for months." Loki groans bored

"You must be loki." You smile sarcastic

"Yes." He smirks

"Anyways, tell us about the Powers!" Bucky interrupts

"Yea right so i will write it down for you:

1; Air. I can bend air, use wind for my needs

2: Water. I can control water and rain, i cannot create it duh.

3: Earth . I can move stones and soil, or open/ lift the ground if its made of earth/soil

4: Fire. I can Control fire. I cannot create fire, but if there is fire i can control it

5 and final : lightning

So that's it."  You smile now, as they look at you Impressed

"So you don't need us at all?" Bucky jokes

"No its not as easy as it sounds haha, using more then one ring at a time makes me tired after a few minutes.

So, i do need a team. I can't use it alot like for example wanda, as it tires me.

I do need breaks in between and if i was alone those breaks would be my death sentence haha.
I never used more then 2 at the same time, if you use more then 3 it becomes dangerous. 4 can hurt or even kill you and all 5 could have consequences for more then just myself so yea." You explain

"That's still amazing and useful, especially since some of our gifted members left the duty for now." Fury laughs

"Yea haha." You giggle

You sit down and talk with them a bit, get to know them

"I'm getting tired guys, where can i sleep?" You ask them after a while

"Oh, you can have one of the rooms i showed you. Loki, show her please." Nat smiles

"Uhh why me?" He says annoyed

"Move your ass loki or i will get valkyrie here." Thor states and loki's eyes widen

"Fine, i need my testicles." He says annoyed and gets up, you follow him

"Why you so annoyed, is it me?" You ask him softly

"What..? No, yea, maybe..i don't know." He sighs

"How did you come back to life, didn't you get choked by thanos?" You ask

"They somehow brought me back. I had the tesseract, then i was at a weird place and then i appeard here and have been here since. I don't remember at all." He explains as you're walking

"Cool, well i guess you got a second chance, on the right team." You smile

"If you say so, i kinda don't feel so in my place here." He says annoyed and shows you an avaible room

"Here, see ya." He says and walks away to his room across the hall

"Nighty." You say and enter your room

You unpack your backpack and change into something comfy, then brush your theeth in the included bathroom and lay in bed to finally sleep eventually.

More coming..

The ringbender with The AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now