chapter 8

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He looks around and notices he's in his bed, alone. Its 3 am
"It was all a dream?!" He Wonders as he looks over to his couch where in his dream valka slept, empty.

Was this ALL a dream.. he looks at his phone...friday? This means the kiss didn't even happen yet.. this dream felt like weeks.. he immidatly shoots up in Panic.. what if it is AFTER all this, and you're gone?!

He runs over to your room an bursts in, finding you sleep peacefully, no injuries.. its the day when you wanted to wake him up he realises.
He goes back to sleep relieved now..

The next morning loki wakes up and goes to eat breakfast, as he's sitting there with nat you come in a bit tired still, finding your way to the coffee pot, you grab a mug and sit down with them

"Jesus y/n, you look like a zombie." Nat giggles

"Thanks." You mumble tired, after a while you notice loki gazing at you

"What?" You ask confused

"Nothing, i just, i am happy you're fine." He says caught off guard, leaving you confused

"Why wouldn't i be?" You ask him a bit irritadet

"Doesn't matter, it's a long story." He chuckles and leaves

"I would say that was weird but he's never been very clear with us so.." nat says grinning and you smile

You train with nat and bucky a while after but constantly feel like you're beeing watched as you finally spot loki

"Enjoying your show?" You joke as you walk over to him

"Am i distracting you?" He asks smiling

"It's alright, i just felt eyes on me." You chuckle

"Sorry, i just had a weird dream so i, doesn't matter actually." He smiles

"Alright then, you wanna tell me about that dream?" You sit next to him and show nat a handsign to take a 5 min break

"I don't wanna go in detail but let's say it felt very real and you got hurt badly." He says quietly

"Aww are you worried?" You ask

"Well not anymore since you're sitting next to me dumbass." He smiles

"Ey." You hit him with your ellbow

"Ow, im kidding." He smiles, you get up and move on with your training

Loki sits on a bench infront of the HQ as a beam appears and valka shows up, for real this time

"Wait wait wait, what are the odds.." he says worried and jumps up, he runs to you

"Pinch me, right now." He says worried

"What why." You ask confused

"Just do it!" He says nervous and you pinch him

"Ow, okay im not dreaming.." he states

"What's going on?" You ask him lost

" The girl, well my old friend, from my dream just arrived here. Which means, it wasn't a normal dream but a prophecy or some shit." He says worried as valka approaches you

"Hey midgardian, hey loki." She smiles, she seems nicer then in his dream

"Hey.. listen what are you doing here?" He asks her as he grabs your arm, you just look at it confused, then at loki and then at her

"I wanted to see my friend." She states innocently

"Okay...but why.." he asks her

"Seeing how you're doing, my husband is somewhere doing a misson so i got bored and thought i would visit." She says smiling

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2021 ⏰

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