Prologue: Tick Tock, You're Lucky Times On Your Side.

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Hooves moved soundlessly and hurriedly through a white abyss, clawed hands clenched tightly around an already cracked orb that glowed a painful red color. In the silence the orb seemed to cry like the harsh sounds of a banshee, for its war-torn universes, its precious children that met a blood-soaked dusty end, the very coding that constructed the orb seemingly fighting with itself, against the corrupted(twisted, manipulated)coding that wasn't its own, not anymore.

The deity tsked and with an impatient flick of their other hand the endless white began to shift and contort into a long hallway of cobblestone, their once silent stride taking a clicking sound as their hooves met stone.

They have entered another deities domain.

The hooved deity began to move faster, the clicking sound getting quicker, it joining the shrill cries of the orb-no the universe and the faint sounds of multiple clocks tick-tocking that got louder the closer they moved down the hallway.

Tick Tock. Tick Tock.

The hallway is no longer empty.

Their molted orange eyes snapped to meet the white pupiless gaze of the tortoise that rested in the indent in the wall that seemed to hold its own little oasis, clean fresh water flowed out of a hole, landing into another hole at the bottom that never seemed to fill, the tortoise was laying on beautiful green grass.

They slowed to an almost stop, their hoof tapping lightly against the floor as they looked down with narrowed eyes at the animal who returned the gaze with a tilted head.

"Ꭵ ᖇᗴɊᑌᎥᖇᗴ ᗩᑎ ᗩᑌᗪᎥᗴᑎᑕᗴ ᗯᎥ丅ᕼ ᖴᗩ丅ᕼᗴᖇ 丅Ꭵᗰᗴ. 丅ᗴᒪᒪ 丅ᕼᗴᗰ Ꭵ丅'ᔕ ᑌᖇǤᗴᑎ丅."

{Translation: "I require an audience with Father Time. Tell them it's urgent."}

Without waiting for a reply the deity turned back sharply and resumed their speed walk down the hallway, they knew the tortoise would get the message to Father Time before the deity got there first, hive minds came in handy for those creatures.

Tick Tock. Tick Tock. Tick Tock.

The ticking of the clocks grew louder with the sound of sand moving joining in. They were close and Father Time was preparing for them.

They came to a sudden stop in the middle of the hallway, turning their body to face an empty stone wall that wasn't covered in blooming nymphaeas and aquilegias that 'managed' to grow in the cracks of the walls(more like Time let them for fun), their hoof clicked impatiently against the floor as they waited, and waited, and waited with the ticking of clocks, the sound of sand, and the pain-filled screams and pleas from their little universe.

They had begun to bite at their claws when the clean wall contorted into a wide dark wood door with silver handles. Without thought the deity grabbed the handles and ripped the door open, marching through into a large room with clocks and hourglasses lining the walls and a very tall ceiling.

Tick Tock. Tick Tock. Tick Tock. Tick Tock.

They walked down the carpet that was a rich blue color which led to curtains that reached to the ceiling and were a softer blue with silver designs and made of satin, where the curtains ended showed the beginnings of steps leading to the throne that sat behind it and the being that sat on it, their silhouettes were the only thing you could see except for the harsh glowing of yellow eyes of the being that penetrated through the curtains, despite the eyes being only a solid color the deity know they were looking down at them.

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