Cassidy Courtney Johnson-18 years old and a black girl who is married now
Devon Donte Davidson-22 years old and married to Cassidy he is white
Trevor Tyrel Jones-22 years old and the best friend of Devon he is also white
Corey Carlton Cortez Arnold Anton Anderson Samuel Stanley Sanchez Ethan Eric and Nathan Noah Hicks-22 years old white boys and best friends of Devon
Aisha Asia Montez-18 years old a mixed girl and the best friend of Devon and Cassidy she is married to Ethan
Tammy Tasha Jones-18 years old a girl from Egypt she is married to Nathan best friend of Cassidy
Molly Minnie Bennett-18 years old a girl from China she is married to Corey best friend of Devon
Renee Rhonda White-18 years old from Japan and is married to Arnold best friend of Devon
Peter Patrick Smith-18 years old a gay man plus he is from Ireland and he is married to Samuel best friend of Devon too
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The Rejects
ChickLitThis is about best friends who love each other so much they would do anything for one another too 2021