2- The past

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Ricardo pov

It's been 11 years since I have seen my second youngest daughter Michelle. My family and I have been searching for her non-stop but after she disappeared from the boarding school for delinquents we sent her to it was as if she had just vanished into thin air.

My wife was going through a rough stage, and I guess her mind kind of took over. She confessed a little after a year about her and my daughter Sabrina's doing in my Michelle being send away.

I was furious not only at my wife but the fact that she dragged our little girls into the mess. But mostly I felt guilty and horrible for my actions. I promised myself that when I ever find her again I would never let her go.

I got my wife all the help she needed and she was diagnosed with Dissociative identity disorder a little while later. It has been a long while since she has had an outburst and her mindset has changes to finding our daughter and making things right. Which is a very good sign.

My thinking was cut short a knock on my door I quickly responded with a "Come in"

"Dad we found her" my oldest son said while coming in with my daughter Isabella. I was shocked I knew he could've talked about anyone but my first thought went straight to Michelle.

"Who?" my voice croaked it felt as if I had a lump in my throat.
"Little Ellie, dad, we found her" Isa said. She probably took it the worst out of all my children, she had a very close relationship with Michelle before we sent her away and it has been eating her alive that she didn't do anything to help Elle after she begged us to believe her.

I cleared my throat "Where?" I asked rubbing my forehead. I can't believe it we have finally found her. "In America, Los Angeles" Benjamin informed me  with tears shallow in his eyes mine not far behind. He hardly ever shows emotions these days  so this was a first.

"Call your mother tell her we are having a family meeting, I'll meet you back at the house." I said stern. My son just nodded and the two of them left. They were the only ones really involved in our Mafia. My youngest son Bearnardo did hacking for us from time to time but my baby girls weren't involved at all.

I quickly got all my stuff together and made my way to my car I can't wait to tell the rest of my family about Michelle after all these years of searching we have finally found her.

Third person view

All the Ferrari's were gathered in the living room wondering what the family meeting is about. "Can't you just tell us what is going on" A very curious Maggie begged. "No little sister you have to wait until Papa comes, but I will tell you this, it is very good news" Ben told his youngest sister.

She just let out a dramatic sigh and sat on the couch next to her sister and brother, the twins. Sabrina was the one who played along in their mothers scheme to get Michelle shipped off, although she feels ashamed of what she did (for now at least).

Then there is Bernardo or bear as everyone calls him, he was the only one in the whole family who stood up for Michelle and told them she didn't hurt Sabrina. So when the truth came out he wasn't surprised at all.

Although he was heartbroken when they didn't find her.
Ricardo finally got home and when he walked in everybody went silent. He cleared his throat and started "I have big news, today your brother and sister have informed me that they have located Michelle" he said with happiness in his eyes.

Everyone was in shock, Vivian had started to cry, Bear was extremely excited to see his sister again. When Michelle was sent away Maggie was only 3 so she doesn't remember much but the family told her that Michelle loved her from the moment she was born and she was excited to meet her sister. And Sabrina, she was scared and confused.

Even though Ben and Isa already knew about the news they still felt all kinds of emotions. Ben promised Elle he would always protect her but broke that promise and told himself he would never break any promise ever again. But do remember keeping promises aren't always that easy.

Isabella felt relieved that after all these years her sister is actually alive. While her family has been quite optimistic over the years about finding Michelle she had always imagined the worst possible outcome which was her sisters death. Now that she know Michelle is alive she knows she has to prove herself worthy of being a sister.

Viviane was a mess, she was aware of the damage she had  cause her family and it has been eating at her for years. She knew things were going to change but feared she won't be able to keep up with the changes.

After a while Ricardo spoke again "We are going to Los Angeles to get her so go get everything you need we are leaving for the jet in 20 minutes."
Everyone obeyed and got up to get their stuff.

Sabrina pov

My entire family and I were now on our jet, to go get our sister back. Everyone was quiet, and you didn't need to be a genius to figure out why. Everyone was thinking what she would be like and how she's going to act when she sees us.

"Do you think she'll like me?"  Maggie asked. My family all turned their attention to her, "Of course she will my love, who wouldn't" my father said with a smile.

"What do we know about her childhood?" My mother asked Ben. He looked over to Isa who handed him a yellow file. "She lives in Los Angeles, she is a good student,gets average grades and lives with the Diaz family since the age of 11 and....." He then stopped and looked confused. "What's wrong son?" my father asked concerned.

He looked at us and then gave the file to my father. Dad scanned the file very intense and then looked at all of us "There is no record of her life from when we send her to the boarding school until she started living with the Diaz family" he explained.

That's weird I hope my sister is fine, a few family members resents me for what happened. Everything is after all my fault, I was jealous that she was loved by the family and got more attention so I agreed to go along with mom's plan, I should've known better, but it felt like no one noticed me but everyone noticed her.

"Wait she lives with another family? There is now way she is going to want to come with us after everything you've done if she is happy with her family" My twin brother Bear said looking directly at my father.

"They are not her family, we are! And she doesn't have a choice, she is my daughter and she is coming home, if she doesn't comply I'll just have to give her a reason to do what is best." my father said with angry. The rest of my family agreed but I could see how Bear shook his head in disgust.

After a long flight we finally landed in Los Angles and my family and were on our way to go get our sister.

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