35- Double Revenge

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It's been little over a week since I've asked bear about the mafia. He's mostly been avoiding me. And Sabrina finally got back yesterday from her mini vacation after her breakdown so thats fun. Well more exciting because now I can go on with my plans. I’ve been at war with myself over what to do with the video’s me and Asher found with the help of Mason.

But honestly I'm just going to go with the flow as we continue and try to not over think it. On that note Vivian has been acting weird.. Well weirder than normal it's as if she's a completely different person at times but I guess that it's maybe just high hormones or something.

Also life's kind of lonely now with my sister and brother is back in america and Gracie and her family also decided to move, so there is that. Now that I think of it a lot of shit has happened.. My life is like a fucked up movie with no happy ending but I'm sure my favorite part is going to be the revenge one.

I walked down the stairs to the kitchen to get something to eat when I bumped into Vivian. "You really should look where you're going lady." I said. "Sorry dearie I was looking for a fairy." she said very excited like a kid would do when they tell you about the tooth fairy or Santa Claus.

"Excuse me? Is this how your type of humor works?" I asked fucking confused. "No yesterday was a full moon and the fairy came. Tonight she's going to look for a heart to take so she can eat it." she said and started laughing evil and skipped away. "Someone clearly had to much to drink" I said as I watched her skip away.

I walked to the kitchen where Maggie was siting busy her phone. "Hey shell." She greeted me when she noticed me. "Hey mags." I greeted back  "Hey what the fuck is going on with your weird ass mother?" I asked as I opened the fridge.

"What do you mean?" she asked sounding confused. "She was going on about some fairy." I explained to her. "I have no idea I haven't seen her this morning though." she said.

"Don't worry about it she probably had a little to much to drink." I shrugged. "It's 11 in the morning who gets drunk at this hour?" she asked shocked. "What's that saying? Its 11 pm somewhere I guess." I joked to which she only shook her head.

"Have you seen bear today?" I asked her before leaving. "Umm I'm pretty sure he's still in his room." she said. "Thanks mags."

"You're welcome." she said and I left heading for his room. When I got to his door I knocked and after a while heard him say come in. "Hey." I said as I walked in his room. "Hi" he greeted back. It was extremely awkward. And we stood there in silence. "Okay I'll start.. I had no idea what I was saying and shouldn't have accused you or your family of being apart of a mafia." I said lying. Look I know who these people are but I deeply care about Bear and I hate that he is mad at me.

"Don't apologize Michelle, because you aren't wrong we are the Italian Mafia." he said throwing me completely of my game I did not think he was going to admit that I was right. "You can't tell the rest of the family that you know but you deserve to at least know about who we really are and that is ruthless people. I've been avoiding you because I felt guilty for lying to you."

"I'm not mad I just wanted to hear the truth from you that's all." I said smiling at him. "Can I hug you." he asked. "Ahh if you really want to" I joked. To which he pulled me in for a hug. After we hugged I left and met up with Asher at the coffee shop we always meet at.

I walked in and saw him in one of the booths. I made my way over to him. "I ordered your favorite" he said sliding a cup of hot chocolate towards me. "Aww thank you, what a gentle man you are." I said smiling at him.    "My middle name is Gentle man" he joked.

"Okay Mr gentle man you ready for our meeting?" I asked. "Always. What's on the agenda today?" he asked as he took a sip from his coffee. "So I was thinking maybe we should let Sabrina and Benjamin suffer this time." I informed him of my thoughts. "Ohh double revenge I like it." he said smiling.

"Yeah me too but I don't know what I want to do to them" I said honest. "I might." he said with a wicked smile on his face. "Mind to elleborate on that?" I asked curious.

"What if we send a piece of the video from the car accident with Sabrina in the car as well as the voice recording of her phone when she called dear old Ben for help." he said smirking. "Holy shit, why didn't I think of that. It's fucking genius" I said smilling at him.

"Not only is my middle name gentle man it's also genuis." he joked. "Okay pipe down" I said chuckling. "I'll call Mason and ask him to get on sending the recording and video but without being tracked." he said.

"Cool and I'll wait for all hell to break loose when the Ferrari's find out that their precious daughter is a murderer. See how they cover it up this time."

After we were done I headed back to the house. When I got to my room my phone bussed with a text from my annoying sister Eleanor. "Keeping safe?"

She's been worried about me more than ever now, knowing that I am planning to get revenge on the Ferrari's. I texted her that I am fine just to ease her mind a little. I was still busy texting her when my door flew opened with Vivian standing there with a knife in her hand.

I quickly got up from my bed when I saw the knife. "Okay woah, listen I know you don't like me but stabbing me is not going to make you feel any better." I said with my hands up in surrender. "I'm not going to stab you I'm trying to find the fairy." she said sounding like a maniac. "Not the fucking fairy again." I mumbled beneath my breath.

I heard Riccardo calling out her name. "She's in here" I yelled and he came in the door when he saw the knife he was visably shocked. "Honey why don't you give me the knife." he said in a soothing tone. "But the fairy" she said walking closer to me with the knife.

"Woah baby the fairy is upstairs this isnt her this is our daughter Michelle remember." he said making her stop. "Dad what's goi.." Isa said but stopped when she saw Vivian with the knife.

"Give me the knife love." Ricardo pleaded with his wife and she did hesitantly and looked confused at me. "It's okay let's go to bed" He said taking her hand and leading her out of my room.  "Are you okay?" Isa asked me after they were both gone. "Yeah I think so but what the hell was that?"  I asked confused. "I have no idea." she looked at me with the same confused face as me.

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