Chapter three

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"Carina?" she whispered as if she had just seen a ghost.


The blonde couldn't believe her eyes. She felt like she couldn't move or speak or even breathe in that moment. She just stood there squeezing the pieces of paper she had collected from the floor just a few seconds before, unable to do anything. Her eyes were darting between her ex-girlfriend and her son. "How could I miss it?" Maya thought as she looked at the little boy. Alex was Carina's spitting image, with his chestnut soft locks, amber eyes and enchanting smile. They even had the same olive complexion.

Then she raised her blue eyes towards Carina, who had the same shocked look on her face. She hadn't changed at all. Actually, somehow, she got even more gorgeous with time, like fine wine. Maya was so focused on the brunette that, for a moment, she forgot they weren't alone in the room and she got startled by the Alex's voice.

"Mom, it's not just Maya. It's Captain Maya, like Captain Marvel." he lectured his mother. "Wait... You two know each other?" he added with interest.

Carina, in turn, was astounded to say the least. As she entered the classroom tailing her son, she saw the person she least expected to see. "Non è possibile." ("No way.") she thought to herself. The blonde looked just like Carina remembered her. The only difference she spotted was her longer hair tied up in her usual ponytail.

Eight years had passed but, in that moment, while they held each other's surprised gaze, it was as though time had stopped. Carina didn't know what to do or what to say. They were there like two marble sculptures in a museum, facing each other, unable to move.

The Italian started fidgeting with the handle of the bag she was carrying over her right shoulder and finally she shifted her attention to her little boy.

"Yeah, w-we know each other. We met when I lived here in Seattle, before you were born." she stammered and smiled tenderly at him. When she raised her gaze again, Maya's eyes were still fixed on her and she had her arms crossed. Even if Carina felt her heart pounding like mad in her chest, she took courage and finally talked directly to the blonde.

"Hi." she breathed.

"Hey. Are you back in Seattle?" Maya asked with a shaky voice.

"Yeah, I'm back at Grey Sloan. Dr. Bailey called me a few weeks ago and she offered me to become head of OB/GYN and I couldn't say no. It's a big deal." Carina replied rapidly.

"Oh wow, congratulations! I'm happy to hear that." the blonde said and she really meant that. Even though they hadn't seen each other in years, she was glad to learn that the brunette achieved such a prestigious position in her working career.

Carina flashed her a timid smile. "Thank you. And I see that you're still captain of nineteen." She said pointing at Maya's shirt collar.

"Yes, I'm still captain. I'm just teaching a fire safety program here at school twice a week." she explained.

"I see, wh-" Carina was interrupted by her phone ringing. "Excuse me, just a second." she apologized and picked up. It was Gabriella.

"Hi. Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I forgot. Yeah, I'm at Alex's school. Give me ten minutes and we'll be there. Scusa ancora! Ciao Gabri, a dopo." ("Sorry again. Bye Gabri, see you later.") she said and she hung up.

"Sorry about that, Gabriella is waiting for us to have lunch together and I totally forgot." she sighed.

Maya felt a lurch in her stomach when she heard that name, but she turned off that feeling immediately.

"Oh, don't worry, it's okay." she smiled bitterly.

She couldn't take to feel bad again for that. It had taken years to finally recover from Carina's farewell and she didn't want to go back to that point. She had moved on and the fact that Carina was back wouldn't change anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2021 ⏰

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