day 1: November 14th 7:52pm

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so i'm trying shifting for the first time

i will be using the raven method bc i heard it's easiest for beginners

this is what i'll be doing (please add tips or suggestions to make shifting easier on me) write a descriptive script, meditate, then put on some subliminal sounds, lay in a starfish position while counting from 1 to 100 and in between each number say "i have shifted", visualize my dr while i am counting, and then at the end of my counting day affirmations like "i have shifted to my desired reality", "i am finally in my desired reality" and "i am in my desired reality"

i read that making a descriptive script amps up the experience of the shift and also to make sure i include the way that i will wake up from my dr

sorry there isn't much to write, this might get better as the days go on though so stick around?

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