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This is my first fanfic in English so if you see a few mistakes, please don't kill me 😊.


When he enter in the room, the first thing that he see is Ana sitting in the window seat. He hates the expression on her face and hate that he can't do anything to help her feeling better.

He take a few steps toward her and try to capture her attention by calling her name softly.

"Ana......How you feel" he says as he gets down on his knees to try to see her face. Without looking at his face she says the same words that she say to him the last time that he came to check on her. "I'm fine, Christian"

It breaks his heart to see her like that, she always have been the friend that always have something to say, the one that has try to be there for him, that amazing girl that would kill if anybody saw her without being ready, they one that no matters how famous she is; hasn't loose her humility.

"I had a conversation with Flynn and we both think that is the best if you can go to his office and spoke with him, maybe that can make you feel better that being in this room all day" I say while a put my hand in her knee, a few minutes past and I think that she just ignores me, when she look me at me and all that I can see in her eyes is sadness.

"I'm fine, I don't need to talk with anyone about how I feel cause any of you knows what I'm feeling right now!" she says and push my hand off of her knee "I will go out of this room when I want to and I don't need you to come here and treat me like I'm some kind of broke doll! I would thank you, If you can leave alone with my feelings" and get up and walks to the center of the room.

I stand up and take a few steps toward her "Ana, I know that maybe this is your worst moment.....but you can't keep apart the people who care about you. We are worried about you....." she cuts me before I finish.

"This is literally the worst moment of my life, you can't understand that! I want to be alone......." And turn her back to me

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