1.6K 51 26

I was finally done! I had 5 minutes left on the timer. I looked around and saw that I was the first one to have finished carving out my shape. Holding up my shape to the guard, the speaker announced, "Player 051, pass."

I jumped up in excitement. Within the duration of the last 5 minutes, I heard a few gun shots of the guards.

"Follow me and I will escorte you to the dormitory," said my guard as I got up to follow him out of the room. Thw other players were in all sorts of weird positions, trying their hardest to not crack their shapes.

When we were out of the room, I looked at the guard and asked, "Why didn't you shoot me?"
"I had strict orders not to," is all they said.

"But I don't listen to the 'boss'," they said as they turned to face me. I suddenly felt very threatened and started to back away. They slowly stepped forwards ominously. They grabbed my wrist and forced it above my head. Trying to pull of their hand, they grabbed my other hand and pushed it against my other one. I kept struggling to get their hand but they were to strong.

"Don't worry~ I'm not gonna kill you yet, we'll not now at least. For know, I'm just gonna hurt you real bad~" they whispered into my ear. Their voice founded very male like. You could practically hear the smirk in his cold voice. He dragged me into a small room and threw me onto the floor. I was now very confused and scared. What was he gonna do?! I pushed myself back into a corner while he kept walking towards me. He pulled me up against the wall and held me there.

"You can't escape your punishment baby~ This is what you get for getting VIP treatment!" He said as he raised his fist and plunged it into my side.

He kept punching me untill I could feel the many sore bruises forming on my side. I fell to the floor as he dropped my body and began to kick my stomach, which made me cough up blood and scream.

This continued untill someone slammed the door open and Shouted, "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TO HER!!"


Hii just a quick note.

I was thinking of doing a ask the author or Q&A thing or what ever there called.

So if you want to know anything about me or the story, comment your questions.

If you don't want to that's fine as well!

Hope you enjoyed and had a great day/night!



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