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"This is totally insane! You know that, right?" Salim asked, raising an eyebrow at the other man, questioningly.

Jason nodded his head, with an eager expression on his face. "Oh, c'mon! It'll be fun!" he stated, although it was difficult to know if he was serious, after all those beers.

"Look, Jason, it's not that I'm not flattered, because really I am! But what you're suggesting... we barely know each other." Salim protested, sticking his glass on the bar counter-top.

Jason's eyes lit up, "That's exactly why it's perfect! We don't know each other, and I'll be leaving the country soon. We never have to see each other again."

"I don't even know if I'm into...you know...men." Salim said, running his thumb around the rim of his glass. Jason smirked at the action, picking up that Salim was nervous.

"It's just an idea. I mean, you clearly haven't been laid in awhile, and I don't want a relationship." Jason said, with a shrug of his shoulders. "Plus you're an attractive guy, with a nice ass." Jason pointed out.

Salim rolled his eyes. Just two days prior, Jason had fought alongside him, and helped him escape the Temple of hell; and now here he was, in a pub with the Marine, as the man suggested a one night fling. Salim couldn't be sure if it was the alcohol talking, or if this was just Jason desperate for a shag. Either way, Salim found it rather amusing.

"How about we revisit this conversation at a later date? You're in town for a while, yes? It'll give me time to make up my mind." Salim suggested, to which Jason nodded his head in agreement.

"All good with me," Jason responded, finishing the rest of his drink.

Now, Salim had nothing against gays, lesbians, transgenders, or anyone else in the LGBTQ+ community. In fact, he found the people inspiring, as they were proud to show who they really were! It was inspirational, really.

However, Salim had never been with a man before, and the thought of being bisexual, had never crossed his mind; but right there, in that moment, as Jason sat on the barstool, with a tight blue shirt on, and tight black jeans, with a very calm and confident demeanour; as the muscles in his arms tensed as he shifted his weight around...Well, it made Salim question himself a little.

Maybe it was just the alcohol, or the exhaustion; but even Salim couldn't deny that Jason was a loyal, very attractive man, with a good soul.

Three positives. Salim thought

The conversation went from being about their fling; to random topics of conversation like the weather, food in Iraq, and they even discussed Zain and what he was going to study at, University.

Then things went silent; the only background noise being the roudy people in the pub, drinking, dancing, and singing along to Iraqi music.

"What exactly would we be doing, if we did something?" Salim asked, taking another mouthful of his beer. The conversation had kinda awkwardly been left at an indefinite point, as they listened to the conversations going on around them.

Jason turned his attention towards Salim, and shrugged his shoulders.

"I have more experience at this than you do, so I wouldn't be expecting you to put out." Jason commented, smirking slightly when he saw Salim's flustered state.

"I'm jokin' man," Jason said, giving Salim an encouraging pat on the shoulder. "-but seriously, no pressure. We could take it slow." he suggested, waving his hand at the bartender, for another drink.

"Uh, two more drinks." Jason said in very badly pronounced Arabic.

"One drink, thanks!" Salim corrected in Arabic, before turning his attention towards, Jason.

A Fling Of Events {Jason X Salim}Where stories live. Discover now