How Is She (pt. 1) : William x Henry oneshot

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(A/n: I know what I said in the Starter A/n about not doing this ship because I don't know much about the Emilys but Ya know what fuck it I started shipping it so heh yes that's right it's a Williry/Helliam oneshot. Ok so basically this was a scene from my Michael Afton oneshot book where my oc was taken home with Michael after what happened with Charlie being murdered by William. She is now sick from being out in the cold rain for to long when she went with the puppet to try and save her little sister. Now Michael as well as William are taking care of her because she doesn't wanna go home to Henry who is her father because her house has to many memories from when Charlie was still alive. So with that Luna wants to stay with the Aftons till she's feeling better. But yeah that's basically a summary of what happened now on to the oneshot get ready for some Williary/Helliam cutesy moments coming up)

~ William's POV ~

It was pretty late by the time I got home from work. Honestly I will say I do kinda feel bad for killing Henry's youngest daughter but at the same time I didn't.

I eventually got home and I was about ready to just get inside and sleep. I knew Evan was probably already asleep being my youngest but I don't know about Michael making me think "God I hope he's ok I do love him a lot even if I do treat him horribly. I hope he's not drunk and puking or something like that because nothing hurts me more than when I come home to things like that."

With that I walked into the house and hung up my coat then went in. When I got to the living room I noticed the tv and fireplace were on.

Since the couch's back faced the hall I didn't see why the tv and the fireplace were on so I  decided to go turn them off only stopping in my tracks. Now I immediately saw why they were on. Michael was fast asleep on the couch holding Henry's eldest.

It was honestly a pretty cute thing to walk in on. The 2 of them were knocked out and snuggled up together. Luna had even buried her face in Michael's chest. Michael still had his Foxy mask on too but it was tucked to the side of his head.

With that I place my hand on his exposed bare shoulder mainly to make sure he wasn't passed out from intoxication because if so I was ready to carry him to his room to rest. When I touched his shoulder it makes him groan in annoyance probably because my touch was like ice from being in the rain. He then sleepily responds to me luckily not slurring so he was sober
(A/n: Angsty Teen warning XD)

Michael: "'s you...fuck off"

William: "Hey I'm not here to fight with you or anything just think of me as not here"

Michael: "Why are you here anyway"

William: "I just got in."

Michael: ...

William: "I was also curious why the tv and fireplace were on so I came to turn them off but then decided to not once I realized you were using them"

Michael: "Thanks, I guess"

William: "I also wanted to check on you, like how are you feeling"

Michael: "I'm fine. And even if I wasn't why even bother when you fucking hate me anyways."

William: "Because you're still my son"

Michael: *rolls eyes* "Whatever. but truthfully speaking Luna is getting sick though"

William: "Let me bring her home then"

He then goes back to being angsty giving me attitude

Michael: "She said she didn't wanna leave because at home reminds her of Charlie who YOU fucking killed"

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