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TW: F slur, mention of SH scars, abuse, homophobia

Jake's eyes fluttered open at the sound of birds chirping outside. He groaned super loud and rolled over 9:45 am. Jake was shocked that he slept that long. His whole body was still so sore from his dad hitting him. It sounds weird but Jake is kind of sad he doesn't have school. He got up and got dressed into black ripped jeans, a black t-shirt, and a red flannel. He slipped on his vans and walked out his down and down the stairs. He saw a note on the door that told him not leave the house but he didn't really care at this point. He looked in the mirror next to the door, seeing dried up blood from his nose to his lips. He used his sleeve to wipe it away and walked out the door. He grabbed his bike from the garage and started heading towards the hill. This wasn't just any old hill, you could see the whole town from it. Jake would usually go there when he was sad but when is he not. He realized he hasn't taken his pills since 2 nights ago. He thought about going back but decided he would probably be fine. Probably. After a while, he made it to the bottom of the hill. He smiled and got off his bike, he was too sore to bike up it like normal. After finally getting up the hill, he sat down at the top. 'I hope I have my first kiss here someday' he thought to himself. Out of no where, he started thinking about Devon Evans again. Jake just can't seem to get that boy out of his head. He didn't understand why a boy of all people is stuck in his head. Devon Evans? The crime obsessed boy? One of the most popular boys in their grade, not even, their school? Does Jake even have the right to think about this boy? He is way out of his league. Jake should be charged $100 for everytime he thinks of Devon. Should he tell Devon his feelings? Ask him what they mean? Would Devon know? Would Devon think Jake is weird for thinking about him all the time? Who knows.
"Jake? What are you doing here?" Jake quickly turned around, seeing the boy he just was thinking about.Speak of the devil.
"Hi" He said awkardly. "Aren't you supposed to be at school?"
"Yeah probably but I didn't want to so I skipped and came here" Jake was shocked, normally Devon was like the most perfect person in school. He hasn't been absent like, ever-
"What if your mom finds out?" Jake looked up at him.
"Eh who cares? I rather be here. This place got 1000 times better when I saw you" Devon grinned at Jake. Butterflies swirled in both of their stomachs, but neither of them really understood what they meant. "You should come over to my house, I found this old Nintendo in my attic, it was probably my dad's" Devon gave Jake a hopeful smile, waiting for a response.
"Sure, when?"
"Right now"
"Right now?"
"Sure, why not?" Devon grabbed Jake's hand, forcing him to get up. He started running down the hill, Jake barely following behind. Jake wanted to tell Devon to slow down because he's sore but then he would have to explain to Devon why he is sore so he rather not. Jake is actually surprised that he didn't already see the bruises. Mid-running, Jake noticed Devon. Not in the noticing he exists way, but in the eye opening really noticing type way. Like, when you notice something little but adorable. It felt like time was slowed down, Jake recognized every feature of the boy ahead of him. Every shade of brown in his eyes, every curl of his hair, every print in his skin. Jake has never really noticed any of these little things about Devon before, he felt a warm feeling spread around his body. First, his heart, then his chest, moving to his arms and hands then face. His cheeks went pink and he started getting nervous. He felt a weird feeling in his gut, almost like he was gonna throw up. Jake looked down at their hands, more specifically their fingers, interlocked. Time seemed to speed up again when he heard Devon say his name. "Jake? Are you okay? Why is your face pink?" Jake quickly blinked and looked at Devon.
"What do you mean?" He felt his cheeks get warmer from the embarrassment.
"Actually now that I look, why are your eyes so dark and purple? Same with your jaw... And there's some dried up blood near your nose.." Devon almost looked like he was gonna cry. "Jake, is everything okay?" Jake looked away, he didn't like how he was acting. He hated this weird warm feeling inside his body, he hated how his face went pink, he hated that he was nervous. 'Why can't I just act normal?' "Jake. Awnser me please" Devon placed his hand on Jake's cheek, making Jake's eyes immediately dart to Devon's.
"Uh- yeah, just um.." he got absorbed into Devon's big, loving eyes. Jake hated his own brown eyes but Devon's were perfect. He snapped himself out of it. "I fell down the stairs" Devon looked worried.
"Damn, looked like it hurt, are you okay?" Jake looked away from Devon's eyes and moved his hand off his cheek.
"Yeah don't worry about it" Jake wanted to change the subject immediately. "Let's go play Nintendo" Jake gave Devon a smile with those words to make it sound more believable. Devon smiled back and got on his bike. 'Didn't know he biked here' Jake got on his own bike and let Devon lead him to his house. It was a bit far, but not too bad. Once they got there, Devon got off his bike and waited for Jake, who got off his bike shortly after Devon. Devon hid Jake's bike so no one would know he had someone over but he could also still leave before his mom got home. Which wouldn't happen because she doesn't get home til 11 tonight. Jake followed Devon into his house, standing behind him awkardly. Devon giggled and pulled Jake over to the couch, he grabbed the Nintendo out of a box and set it up.
"We only have Super Mario Bros, is that okay?" Jake nodded and sat in a sorta comfortable but still awkward position on the couch. Devon got the Nintendo to turn on and cheered slightly. Jake watched Devon intently, watching all his moves, they were sorta graceful and very steady, like he was always sure of doing something before he did it. It was nice to watch, especially when you are a mess like Jake is. Jake is starting to really regret not taking his meds, he started feeling really anxious, not being able to tell if it was his anxiety or the weird feeling he's getting around Devon. It was pissing him off, but he had no idea how to get rid of it or how to tell Devon. Devon handed Jake a controller and sat next to him. A little too close, their thighs were touching. Jake didn't want Devon to move though. "Do you wanna be Mario or Luigi?"
"Luigi, duh, Mario is weird"
"What? What's wrong with Mario?"
"He's a creepy balding plumber" Jake laughed
"So is Luigi!" Devon playfully yelled back.
"Yeah but it's different"
"Whatever you say dude, but I'm gonna completely destroy you"
"How?" Jake giggled "We are on the same team?"
"I'm gonna take all the supers" Devon said in a mischievous tone. Jake gasped dramatically
"You wouldn't" Devon smirked.
"I. Would"
"I'm gonna get them first" Jake gave Devon a competitive look.
"May the best plumber win" Devon gave Jake the same look. Jake just smirked I'm response and looked at the TV. As they were playing, they got tons of supers and Devon stole most of them. Jake hit a block and 2 red mushrooms popped out but before he could grab them, Devon took both.
"WHAT THE HELL HOW DID YOU DO THAT?" Jake yelled but quietly enough to not hurt Devon's ears. Devon just giggled.
"I told you Mario was better, hes got some sort of magical powers"
"Oh whatever" Jake rolled his eyes at Devon's words. Right ad they were finishing the level, Devon's mom called him. Devon stood up and shushed Jake, awnsering the phone.
"Hey mom, what's up?" Jake couldn't hear what Mrs. Evans was saying but Devon looked on edge. "I didn't feel good, I told the office that" Jake heard a slightly disappointed mutter from Devon's phone. "I felt like I was gonna throw up, I needed air and they wouldn't let me, you know I wouldn't lie to you" Devon bit his lip nervously. "Yes mom, I drank a ton of water when I got home, I'm playing Nintendo right now" Devon's mom said something and he let out a breathy laugh. "Yeah I know, you told me" Jake smiled at this, it was adorable. "Okay yeah, see you tonight, I love you too" Devon smiled "bye mom" he said, before hanging up. "Sorry about that Jake" Jake smiled back.
"It's no problem, but I took all the power ups in this part of the map" He smirked. Devon's jaw dropped a bit in a dramatic way.
"That's no fair! I was calling my mom" Jake laughed.
"Boo hoo" Devon gasped
"I'm gonna get you for that"
"Oh yeah?" Jake narrowed his eyes "And how are you gonna do that?" Devon narrowed his eyes back and waited for a sec before shooting his hands down to Jake's sides, tickling him. Jake was shocked but started laughing. Through laughs he spoke. "" Devon laughed and kept going. "Jake helplessly flailed around "Help!" Jake managed to let out. Devon stopped for a second to let Jake breathe before continuing pinching and moving his fingers across Jake's sides and stomach. Jake tried to pry Devon's fingers away but he was too strong. "Please... Dev-AH" Devon laughed at Jake, helpless and under him. He decided he was done.
"Did you learn your lesson?" Jake nodded, still trying to catch his breath. They go back to playing Nintendo but Jake kept getting all the power ups. Jake was confused because of Devon failing out of no where but when he looked over at him, he was staring at Jake. Jake quickly looked back at the TV out of nervousness. Devon couldn't help but look at the boy next to him. He studied everything about him, his chocolate colored eyes, his pale and rosy skin, every curl in his hair. Devon loves how puffy and soft Jake's hair is and the color, it matched with his eyes and skin tone so well. Devon loved the lines and dimples that showed up when Jake smiled, he wished he could see his smile more. Jake always seemed so sad at school, and he always had bruises, how often does he fall down the stairs? Jake looked back at Devon, nervous, Devon was still staring and eventually, Jake stared back, now that he was looking, he couldn't get his eyes off of him. Devon's eyes were a trap, Jake could fall into them and walk for miles without any way of getting out. Jake wouldn't even wanna leave. He felt himself stray closer to the boy, it was silent in the room besides the Mario music playing on the TV. Devon leaned in slightly too before the door swung open and hit the wall. Devon shot backwards and looked at the door. Junior. "Junior? what are you doing here?"

I miss you like a little kid//Junior And Jake//JevonWhere stories live. Discover now