comfort <3

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Hey guys! Sorry for such a late update, I've been in a really bad writer's block. Sorry if this chapter is chaotic and confusing, it probably won't be nearly as good as the last one. Thank you for all the support, it means a lot :) Love you guys!


Great. Jake was kicked out, since he already left, figured just let the secret out.

Dad :(

I don't know where the hell you are but I don't care. Don't bother to come back, you aren't welcome here.

Dad. I'm already gone. I'm done with your bullshit, I deserve better than your consistent harassment and abuse, fuck you. I have a boyfriend, I'll be living here with him, if you ever contact me again I'll call the police.

Jake's hands shook as he texted the paragraph. His eyes filled with salty tears, rolling down his cheeks and onto his phone screen. He looks over to his boyfriend, who was fast asleep. He got up and ran to the bathroom, opening the phone app and calling Junior. The phone rang around 3 times before a cracking nose played and a raspy voice was heard.
"Hey Jake, is everything okay?" Junior sounded tired and concerned. Jake sobbed into the mic and breathed in
"My dad- he told me to never come home-" he sobbed again "He said I wasn't welcome there anymore so I told him about Devon and I dating and he hasn't responded- he hates me- It hurts so bad" Jake barely heard Juniors words on the other side of the phone.
"Shh hey hey it's okay, where are you right now?" Jake sniffed and wiped his tears with his hand
"Devon's bathroom" his voice shook with insecurity and sadness. "Devon is asleep in his room"
"Meet me at the treehouse, If it's not too far for you"
"It's not, I'll be there. Devon's mom probably wouldn't like if she saw some random boy in her son's bed" he laughed to himself, hanging up on Junior. The curly haired boy got up, leaving the bathroom. He grabbed his stuff and walked over to the door, stopping and turning around. He ran to the kitchen to grab a water bottle and some paper, as well as a pen. He wrote a little note and ran upstairs, leaving it on Devon's nightstand with the sealed water bottle. He kissed Devon's forehead and ran back downstairs, walking out the door, locking it softly. He ran down the street, never stopping to breathe, he ran to the forest and off the trail, finding the treehouse. He climbed up the ladder slowly, catching his breath from running. He clasped onto a bean bag, sobbing quietly but loud enough to not hear his cousin sneak into the room and close the hatch. Junior was holding his school bag and some clothes in a ball, he looked down at Jake, who sniffed and raised his head.
"Why do you have your bag?" Junior rolled his eyes, as if the awnser was obvious.
"I'm staying the night here, duh" this caused Jake to smile lightly,
"You don't have to do that Junior" Jake received another sarcastic awnser.
"yes I do, you ass" he laughed and put down his stuff, hugging Jake.
"Thanks Juni" Junior's face lit up in shock,
"Juni? You haven't called me that since Kindergarten"
"Thought it needed a come back, best friends again?" Jake let go and smiled at Junior.
"Duh" Jake and Junior laughed and Jake grabbed out the air mattress and the DVD he bought Junior.
"Look what I got" he waved it around a bit. Junior smiled wide,
"Holy crap! Season two?? I can't believe it, finally" He grabbed the present, ripping off the plastic and opening the case. He gently pushed the middle button, lifting the CD out of the container and slid it into the tv player. He started the show and turned to Jake, who was setting up the bed. "Thank you, now what about you and Dev?" Jake felt blood rush to his cheeks as he fluffed the pillows and turned to his cousin.
"I did the dumb cliche, he loved it. We watched the Notebook and he asked, obviously I said yes" Junior awed and smiled. He thought he liked Devon but he realized that the feeling weren't true, he liked a different boy.
"That's adorable, I knew it would work, I'm always right"
"Sure you are" Jake rolled his eyes and sat down on the bed, patting a spot next to him. Junior leaped up and sat next to Jake, leaning against him.
"Whatever, let's just go to sleep" he smiled and hugged Jake again. "Goodnight Jakey" Jake laid down and turned towards the window
"Night Jun Jun" Junior smiled and laid down, shooching away from Jake and turning towards the TV, listening to the themesong, eyes fluttering shut.
Junior woke up the next morning to his alarm playing a calming yet loud tune. He rubbed his eyes and turned off the alarm, sitting up. He fixed his hair and threw the blanket to the side. He got up and started getting ready, letting Jake sleep a bit more while he got dressed. He buttoned his pants and looked behind him, seeing his cousin peacefully sleeping with puffy eyes. Junior walked over to the bed and crouched down, shaking Jake til he woke up. The boy groaned and stretched his arms, blinking a few times, getting used to the light. He yawned,
"Morning" Junior got back up and turned off the TV.
"Good morning, we have school in 10 minutes, you should probably get ready" Jake nodded and grabbed his clothes from the suitcase, getting dressed. Junior put his old clothes in his school bag and threw it over his shoulder. He slipped on his converse and tied them into messy knots. Ever since he started hanging out with Jake again, he started dressing how he wanted rather than whatever his dad wanted. He was wearing black straight legged pants, cuffed over his Nike socks. He had a white polo shirt on and a small necklace with a knife charm on it. He was wearing a belt and a small chain attached to it. Jake was wearing a band tee with a flannels and black jeans. He slipped over his vans and slid some rings on his fingers. He grabbed two extra ones and handed them to Junior with a smile.
"Keep them" Junior smiled back and slipped them on his fingers, which nails had black polish shining on them. Jake grabbed his bag and the two boys' headed out the treehouse, towards the trail. They walked on the trail for a bit, talking about random topics, agreeing on most. Jake heard his phone go off so he grabs it from his pocket and turns it on.
New message from: Dad :(
I knew it. I knew you were a faggot. You are not my son.
Jake frowned and showed the message to Junior, who furrowed his brows.
"Fuck him! He sucks ass, you don't need him" Junior put his arm around the other boy. "You have me, and Devon, that's all you need" Jake smiled,
"Yeah, you're right. Fuck him!"
"Yeah!" They shouted, laughing. Jake walked now with a new confidence. They soon made it to the school, walking inside and up the small staircase. They walked to their lockers, who were conveniently next to each other. They put in their combos and opened up the small metal doors. Jake hung up his bag, grabbing out his binders, once he was about to close the door, someone else did it for him. Lexy and Oliver slammed on his locker, making out harshly. Jake cringed and held his binder close, looking over at Junior, who was glaring. Though Junior looked like he didn't care, Jake knew he did. Junior was very sensitive but never ever showed it to anyone, other than Jake of course. Junior closed his locker and Jake wrapped his arm around him
"Ignore them, let's go find Devon" Junior nodded and almost immediately, Devon walked up to them
"Hey Jake, Hey Junior" he waved and Jake smiled, pecking his boyfriend on the lips, who giggled.
"Hi Devon"
"You guys are so cute" Junior smiled, aweing at the two boys, who were now holding hands. The bell rang and the three boys walked to Devon's class, Jake giving him a kiss on the cheek and Junior waving. Junior and Jake walked to their class, sitting next to eachother at a table in the corner of the room. Classes went by quick and before Jake knew it, it was lunch time. The three boys met by the lunch room from their separate class rooms and walked into the cafe, setting their stuff down at a table. Junior sat down and waited while Devon and Jake walked into the lunch line. Junior pulled a bag from his pile of stuff and set it on the table, unzipping it but not grabbing anything. His stomach turned as he stared down at the food, zoning out. He thought of anything but eating, trying to ignore the painful stomach cramps he was having. His body grumbled and begged for any portion of food but Junior refused to feed himself, just ignored the urges. He pushed his lunch box away and pulled out his phone, watching tik tok. Devon and Jake sat their trays down, talking about an unsolved case Devon heard about earlier that morning. Junior joined in on the conversation smiling and giving his opinion on the topic, receiving smiled and nods. Jake took a bite of the noddles on his plate, chewing and swallowing. Junior watched the food go into his cousins mouth, paying very close attention to every chew and the lump going down his throat. He gagged and slammed his hand over his mouth, feeling a warm burning liquid come up his throat, he swallowed it back down and stood up. "I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be right back" he quickly walked over to the bathroom, running to the last stall in the back. He locked the door and fell to his knees, throwing up into the toilet. This mouth and throat burned while tears streamed down his face. He took a breath and looked down into the toilet, gagging and ultimately throwing up more. He finally finished emptying the barely anything he even had inside of him. He shut his eyes and flushed the toilet, getting up and wiping his mouth. Junior coughed a few times and swallowed again. He opened the door and walked over the sink, washing his hands with the scentless foam soap. He shook the water off his hands and looked in the mirror. He wiped his eyes and fixed his hair, giving himself a fake smile before walking out and sitting back down in his spot. Devon didn't notice anything while Jake watched Junior's every move, watching him chug a water bottle and sigh. Jake has noticed recently that every time they have a meal, Junior looks at his food and takes little bites before running to the bathroom, and after he gets back from the bathroom he always drinks a lot of water. Jake has also noticed that when they are hanging out and it's quiet, Jake can hear Juniors stomach growl very loud, and every time Jake asks "Are you hungry?" Junior immediately awnsers with "no" or some excuse. Jake was starting to get worried about the other's eating habits, he couldn't remember the last time he saw Junior eating something. Devon was still talking to Jake and Junior was paying attention to Devon's words and awnsering, though Jake was zoned out on his cousins motions.
"Jake? Jake the bell rang, we have to go class" Jake was shook back into reality and he grabbed his stuff, and his tray, throwing the rest of the food off and handing it to a lady. He started walking to the rest of his classes. 5th and 6th hour went quick for the boys, when the bell finally rang they just walked out and met at their lockers. Junior was the last to make it, seeing as his class was the farthest away. Once they were done packing up, they shut their lockers and started heading out the school doors, they walked past all the other kids, making their way to the treehouse. When they got there, Jake took all three of their bags and climbed up the ladder, leaving them near the bed. Junior said he had an idea so they all started running towards Junior's house, eventually making it to the mansion.
"Stay right here" Junior ran inside, he was only in there for a few moments then he came back outside holding some money. They smiled and started running towards the further part of Hackensack, where there were fast food places and gas stations, the part of town just by the highway. It took a bit but they made it there, walking into the gas station and buying slushies, Junior mixed the cherry flavor and the coke flavor together while Jake got blue raspberry and Devon got cherry. They started slurping them, walking to a nearby McDonald's and buying some fries. They walked back into town eating the fries and cracking random jokes, laughing the whole way. They made it to a plaza where there was a rite aid and a library. The boys finished their food and threw it away, walking inside the building. They walked over towards the movies section, picking out a few movies and TV shows. Devon grabbed the Notebook and a true crime show, Jake grabbed the first season of Vampire Diaries, and Junior grabbed the third season of Westworld, to no one's surprise. They rented out the CDs and started walking towards the Rite aid to get some snacks and drinks for the treehouse. They each picked out a monster, Jake got the Original, Devon got Ultra Red, and Junior grabbed the Ultra Zero can. Junior bought the monster as well as the chips and gummies and they headed towards a nearby playground. They left the bags of food and DVDs, grabbing out their drinks and climbing onto the top of the playground. Devon and Jake were holding hands with their feet dangling off the side while Junior sat criss cross ontop, watching the sunset. The sky turned to shades of Orange and pink, and the boys sat close to another, heads leaning on shoulders, listening to Steve Lacy and Surf Curse. Minutes maybe hours passed, time blending into itself, becoming irrelevant. They had no concept of time other than the sky, ignoring all problems and stress they had. Luckily they didn't have school the next day, they didn't really remember why, maybe for the teachers or some random holiday. Junior and Devon's parents were aware they were staying at the treehouse so they didn't have any cares in the world. They just had eachother and that was all they needed to be happy. The sky was dark and the boys were now swinging on the swings, taking Instagram pictures on Junior's fancy brand new iPhone. Their legs got tired and they to head towards the local grocery store, they didnt go inside, Devon handed Jake his hoodie and Jake pulled the hood up, covering his face. He tip-toed towards the shopping carts, grabbing one and running towards Devon and Junior
"Go! Go! Go!" They threw the snacks and movies into the cart and jumped in, Jake ran out of the parking lot with they boys I'm the cart and started heading to the side walk, running towards the nearby neighborhood that Junior lived in. They ran to the end towards the forest, eventually making it to the treehouse, crashing into the trunk. Jake fell backwards, breathing heavily and Junior and Devon were laughing their asses off.
"Holy shit, I can't believe we just did that" Junior laughed. Jake was still catching his breath but agreed with Junior, their hearts beating fast. Devon grabbed the bags out of the cart and climbed up the ladder, leaving them on the floor. They grabbed a flashlight and started exploring through the woods, getting super deep into it and finding an opening with a pretty big pond. There were small flowers and lots of rocks around it, with moss covering most of them. They sat down on the grass and looked up, the opening above the pond was a perfect view of the moon and all the stars surrounding it. Junior fell onto his back, finding constellations, he knew them from the Eagle scout handbook. Devon and Jake kissed softly while Junior continued looking up at the stars, telling some of the old Greek mythology of some of the constellations. Jake and Devon listened, parting their lips and laying down next to Junior. The song 'ponyboy' fiantly played in the background off of Jake's phone as they watched the stars.
"I love you guys" Junior softly muttered as he held Jake's arm tight. Jake and Devon smiled
"Love you too Juni" Junior eventually fell asleep, softly snoring on Jake's arm. Jake could tell that Junior hasn't slept in a while. He had dark eye bags and he looks so tired all day, Junior also hasn't been eating much so hopefully Jake could talk about it with him later. After a while, it was around 11 and it was getting cold out so Jake woke up Junior, softly shaking him. Junior woke up and yawned
"Hey, we gotta get back to the treehouse, it's only a bit away, get on my back." Jake bent down and Junior climbed on his back. Jake could feel how thin his cousin was against his back, his stomach caved in and his sides were very small. Jake could feel Juniors ribs digging into his back. Junior's head was burried into Jake's shoulder, breathing softly in Jake's ear. Devon and Jake walked back to the treehouse, climbing up the ladder. Jake wanted Junior and Devon to be comfortable so he laid Junior on the bed next to Devon and slept on the floor with blankets. Devon was passed out but Junior was still up a bit. He turned on his side and looked down at Jake, speaking tiredly.
"Jake? Are you still awake?"
"Yeah Jun Jun, what's up?"
"Nothing, well I can't go back to sleep, are you comfortable down there? You can sleep on here"
"I'm good, don't worry. I actually want to talk to you about something" Jake sat up and faced Junior, who was sit laying on his side.
"You haven't eaten anything in a while. And you rushed to the bathroom at school today. Are you.. okay?" Jake was hesitant with his words, not wanting to upset the other. Junior went quiet, he bit his lip softly and looked to the side.
"I don't know what you're talking about.." Jake gave him a sarcastic yet caring face.
"Don't lie to me Junior, I'm worried. Please tell me what's wrong" Junior got up and sat down next to Jake, leaning his head on Jake's shoulder.
"I'm sorry.. It's my dad...he's put a lot of pressure on me and my mom having cancer.. I've been very stressed out and at first I forgot about eating then it started making me feel better and Lexy told me I'm fat and I wanted to be skinny and perfect for her and I'm in too deep now, it's been going on for months.." Jake's heart broke a little
"Junior, you shouldn't care what Lexy says, I'm so sorry about your mom, and your dad is an asshole- I'm sorry it's just- I love you so much, it hurts to see you purposely hurting yourself, please promise me that if I help you get better, you will actually try to get better?" Jake held Junior in his arms, burying his face in Juniors hair.
"I-..I promise Jake.." Junior spoke very quiet and tired. "I appreciate it a lot. I love you too" Junior sounded genuine, like he meant every word muttering out of his mouth. Junior hugged his cousin tight and fell asleep in his arms, Jake soon falling asleep after.

Jake was gonna help Junior, it was the least he could do after Junior helped him.

Hey guys!! I hope you liked this chapter, I was nervous at first but I liked it. I'm so sorry it took this long. I hope you are all well and if I don't update, I hope you guys have an amazing holiday, no matter what you celebrate. And if I don't see you before 2022, I hope you all have a wonderful new years and I see you next year. Love you guys <3 -m

PS: I might change the title and the picture so hopefully you still recognize this book :)

I miss you like a little kid//Junior And Jake//JevonWhere stories live. Discover now