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the way to the fields was not so far from your dad's shop, so you and shouto eventually reached there within no time.

"we're here!" you exclaimed, as you pointed towards the field which was basked in mesmerizing red due to all the strawberries.

"it's big" shouto commented on seeing the field.


"yes the field, it's big."

"ah" you said softly, nodding your head along.

"shall we go and harvest some strawberries now?" you questioned.

"yes we should, i'm looking forward to it" shouto said, gleefully.


you and shouto both wore hats, gloves, all equiped and ready, looking like real farm workers.

"you look nice y/n" shouto complimented, smiling at you.

"and you look bashful as ever shouto" you complimented him back, trying to sound as least nervous as possible.

"both of you come here" a middle aged woman said to you both, while handing out baskets to you and shouto.

the two of you took the baskets from her hand and followed her towards the filed, where she directed you both on what to do.

"thank you" you and shouto both said in unison as she left the two of you alone to pick the strawberries.

"is this how you usually spend your summer?" shouto asked you.

"not always, i visit my cousins sometimes" you replied back.

"and what about you? how do you usually spend your summer?"

"i spend my time training"

"that's good and??" you inquired further, waiting for shouto say something more.

"and what?" he asked, confused.

"trainings all you do?"


"doesn't it get tiresome?"you questioned shouto, all concerned.

"well yes, but-"

before he could finish his sentence, you cut him off and told him,"you know what shouto, let's spend your remaining summer holiday doing something else then training!"

"oh yeah, like what?" he asked, finding your sudden declaration cute.

"maybe .  .  . why not try spending your summer chasing after fireflies and eating strawberries?" you naviely suggested him.

"that sounds doable" shouto said to you, "but how? i don't really have many people i know here in this town"

"look at you just blabbering off as if you don't have me" you said, trying to sound as if your offended.

"my bad, how could i forget that i still have you?"

"ri-right??" you said, stammering a bit since you were taken aback by his way of saying things

"you should ask me nicely to show you how to do it" you told him, jokingly in an attempt to calm your beating heart.

"y/n"shouto called your name in his most gentle voice possible, "will you show me how to spend my summer chasing after fireflies and eating strawberries?" smiling all sweetly at the end of his question.

shouto has just no idea what he's doing to your poor heart talking all gently and smiling sweetly at you.

"i'd be honoured too" you stated, finding yourself as a blushing mess.

"are you okay y/n? your face has the turned the same colour of the filed?" shouto inquired, sounding very worried.

"it's-it's because of the heat shouto!! don't worry, let's just pick the strawberries now" you told him, turning your face away from him.

'your very cute, when your all like this y/n' shouto thought to himself, as he decided to not tease you any further.

A/N: i hope you all are having a very happy holidays <3

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