Chapter 18

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Once summer came you still weren't completely better

But you were getting better

But you were in bed reading a book when your mom says Harry and someone else is here

"Oh." You say shocked not knowing Harry was gonna be coming over, and you guessed that someone else was like Hermione or Ron

You sit up as Draco and Harry walk into your room

You fall off your bed and Draco and Harry run over and help you up

"Ugh, my head." You say and Draco kisses your cheek as he helps you up

You had your eyes closed not knowing Draco was here because you didn't see him

"Hi, Harry." You mutter and Draco sighs

"Excuse me," Draco says making you jump

"Oh and hey Draco." You say and Harry kisses your cheek

"Never call me Harry again." Draco says and you chuckle

"Hey it may happen love, but it doesn't mean I love Harry more then you, I love you both equally." You say and Draco nods

"You better not have a favourite or else I'm gonna get very jealous love, unless it's me." Draco says and you laugh as Draco and Harry sit on with side of you

"If you did have a favourite who would it be?" Harry asks and Draco frowns at him obviously not wanting to know

"Hey no I won't ever do that, you both can't make me choose a favourite when I couldn't even choose one of you to date." You say and Harry and Draco laugh as they kiss your cheek at the same time

"How are you feeling? Still sick?" Draco asks and you nod

"A bit, but I'm feeling better definitely." You say and Draco and Harry help you out of bed and then realize your not wearing anything  just underwear

"Oh nice underwear love." Draco says as Harry looked away embarrassed

But Draco didn't as you found something to wear as you gasped

"Don't smack my arse Draco." You say and he smirks

"But It looks so tasty, bet the front does as well." Draco says and Harry plugged his ears which was adorable 

You walk over to Harry and kiss his nose once you got dressed

"Why did Harry face the wall I don't understand?" Draco says so confused like your his and Harrys girlfriend he doesn't understand that, like he's dating you why would he have to turn away from you?

"Because she was changing? Why didn't you turn around to be polite?" Harry asks and Draco shrugs

"Because she obviously didn't mind me watching her, and we're dating her like I'm gonna see her naked eventually might as well get that over with." Draco says as Harry was still blushing and he put his glasses back on so he can see, he took them off immediately when he realized what you were wearing "Like were gonna eventually have sex with her Harry, might as well get used to seeing her body naked." Draco says and Harry looked shocked like he didn't think of that 'Oh Merlin he didn't think about sex in a relationship? I get we haven't talked about how that is gonna work but like, why does he looked so shocked like he does know what sex is right? Right!?'

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