Chapter 11

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Raven and North saw red and tackled Robert to the ground then started punching him. Luke lunged for Lynn and touched the knife.

"Don't pull it out!" Sean shouted as he reached the bed. "Don't touch it. It's keeping more blood in her, you pull it out and she will lose too much blood."

"Okay," Luke whimpered as he held her hand. "She's going to be okay, right Doc?"

"We have to move her NOW!" Sean said as he held her wrist. "She still has a pulse but it's very weak."

"Ambulance is two minutes out," Kota said as he hung up his phone.

"Call Dr. Roberts, tell him to have a room ready, some of us are going to have to give blood transfusions. Some of us have to be a blood match," Sean said as he kept a hold of her wrist to keep reassuring him that she had a pulse.

"She's B positive," Jessica cried. "Why isn't she crying Sean? Why isn't she making any sounds? Why is there so much blood? Please tell me she is okay?"

"Get her out of here," Sean commanded. "Jess go make sure the path is clear for her."

"Okay," she whimpered as she rushed out the door.

"Doc, they are pulling up," Victor said as he moved out of the doorway.

"Luke, Kota, you ride with me," Sean said then started talking doctor talk to the EMTs.

"That's enough," Silas said as he and Nathan pulled North and Raven off Robert who rolled over and coughed up blood.

"NET!" Raven growled as he tried to get out of Silas' grasp. "He hurt Kitten he die!"

"We will get him," Corey said coming to stand in front of Raven. "But right now Lynn needs us."

"I swear he will pay," Owen said as he hung up his phone. "Anderson team is on their way, they are going to hold him for us until we know she is okay."

"Make sure he can't do anything but breathe until they get here," Axel said as he watched the EMTs carefully move Lynn onto the stretcher.

"Get out of the way," a deep voice said causing them to turn and see Harry Anderson walking in. "We got the punk, you go with your bird."

"Thank you," Owen said as Liam walked in.

The team rushed out the door and followed the ambulance. They rushed into the hospital and found Erica Lee and Dr. Roberts rushing to assist the EMTs. "You fucking know where to go," Sean shouted as he rushed past them hot on the tail of Erica and Dr. Roberts.

"Is she?" North asked Luke as he and Kota robotically walked over to them.

"We lost her once but Doc brought her back," Kota said gravely.

"Let's head to the room, we need to be ready for as many transfusions as we can give," Axel said as they headed up to the room that would be large enough to hold all of them.

About ten minutes later a few nurses that Kota knew came in and took blood from everyone. No questions were asked and they were thankful for it. An hour later Erica walked in and hugged everyone, "She's still alive Boys," She said softly. "She is finally stable enough to go into surgery. Dr. Green will be assisting Dr. Roberts and it will take hours so go take a shower and get cleaned up. I would say rest but I know you won't I will also be assisting. I will send in a nurse to give updates when I can but it won't be regular intervals and it may be few and far between, I don' t know the severity other that when I saw when she came in but I will let you know when I can."

"Thank you Momma," Kota mumbled as he forced himself not to cry.

"Just tell me one thing," She glared, "Please tell me this is finally over and you have the guy."

"Da," Raven nodded with ice in his voice. "Anderson have she okay I deal him."

"Good," Erica nodded. "Make him suffer Raven long and hard."

"Da," Raven nodded then Erica kissed each of them on the cheek and headed back to Sean and Dr. Roberts to assist in anyway she could.

Gabriel headed up to Sean's office and grabbed extra clothes for everyone that he had stored just in case they ever needed it while they were visiting. At the time he could never understand why he would need to store extra clothes for everyone in his office but now he is glad that he caved and listened to Sean. He took everyone their clothes and toiletries then they took super quick showers. Once everyone was done they sat in the deafening silence and waited, each lost in their own thoughts about what just happened and what was going on now.

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