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training wheels by melanie martinez playing....

riding down, riding down

my hand on your seat

the whole way round

i carry band-aids on me now

for when your soft hands hit the jagged ground

wheels arent even touching the ground

scared to take them off but theyre so worn down

promise i wont push you straight to the dirt

if you promise me youll take them off first

i love everything you do

when you call me fucking for the stupid shit i do

i wanna ride my bike with you

fully undressed, no training wheels left for you......


me, tana, and bella are all in walmart right looking for snack and stuff for a sleepover, well im looking for stuff. bella and tana are running around acting a complete fool. tana is chasing bella, while bella is bumping into everybody. but i love them so much, and i dont know how to tell them that im moving to texas at the end of summer. espicially armani, me and him have something but nobody knows. bella ran past me and i grabbed her by her hoodie.

"what are you doing" she says trying to get out of my grip

"if yall dont stop acting like kids" i say letting go of her

"we are kids" she says snatching away from me and fixing herself and tana finally caught up with her

"im too old for this" he says bending down

"aya said we cant play anymore" she says and i rolled my eyes

"whyyyyy" he said whining

"cause we are in public and are supposed to be getting snacks duh"

"you never wanna have any fun"tana says


"i want some takis" i say to tana and aya

"who asked" tana says and i folded my lips

"anyways, im bored" i say

"well if yall would pick up some stuff we could go home"

"whatever" i say

"lets get some candy" tana says dragging me to the candy aisle

"dang ok, you can let me go now"

"nah i prefer to hold your hand" he says

we started looking for candy and tana was just picking up stuff, he literally has never eaten before. i was picking up candy too until i heard a familiar voice behind us. when i turned around i seen alijah, i was confused who he was talking to.

"tana look its alijah" i say to him and he groans

"where" he says turning around

"im guessing you wanna go over there"

"duh, you dont have to come, i know you dont like him"

"ill come" he says and we started walking over there and he was pushing the buggy

"hey alijah" i say smiling

"oh- uh hey bella, what you doing here" he said looking nervous but i didnt pay it any mind

"oh nothing and i forgot to call you last-" i was saying before i got interrupted by a girl a little taller than me, im 5'4.

"um alijah, i didnt find any face masks, we might have to go somewhere else." she says and i just looked at alijah

"um, bella this is katie, katie this is bella" he said kind of hesitantly

"yeah im his girlfriend, nice to meet you" when she said that my gri[ around tanas hand

"what do you mean" i say to her looking at tana for a quick second and aya started walking up

"what are yall-" she was saying before she noticed the tension

"oh um when he went to the miami takeover, we met there"

"oh thats, cool" i said glaring at alijah

"well, imma go"

"wait, why did you say what do you mean" she asks

"oh because i just thought that, i was alijahs girlfriend" i said catching an attitude

"oh well mustve thought wrong"

"well thursday night he was kissing me in a pool, where were you"

"i was on a flight he payed for"

"we need to go, we having a sleepover" tana says

"yeah, we do" aya says and we started walking away, until i felt a hard blow on my back and i fell forward....

a/n- do yall want me to make an imagines book, cause i think it would be fun or whatever, and lemme know if yall like getting left on read by a gc 😑, so much shade is being throwed, and they know who im talking about, but anyway vote and comment

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