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i hate you by sza playing.....

i be so sick of you niggas, yall contradicting

i be so bored with myself, can you come and fuck me

i feel so ordinary, sad when you around me

treat me like corduroy, wear me out

arguments, you air me out

trippin bout your whereabouts

i cant keep no conflict with you, boy, can we just rub it out

i dont want no static with you

you know you my plug

and i cant shake this habit, no, oh, oh......


so im sitting on my bed in shock, because tana just walked in on me naked. now im embarrassed and its finna be awkward. imma just put my clothes on and go downstairs and we can pretend this never happened. hopefully.

i put my clothes on and i went downstairs, i didnt see tana and that was a relief. i went into the kitchen to get some snacks, so i got some takis, sour patch kids, and water. i turned and tana was right in my face.

"boy why is you all up in my face" i say calming down

"you need to start locking your door" he said grabbing some reeses off the counter

"im sorry i feel comfortable in my own home and i didnt think pervert would be bursting into my room" i say rolling my eyes at him

"im not a pervert but here me out though" he says smiling

"oh my gosh tana no" i said running up the stairs so i wouldnt hear what he was saying

i flopped on my bed and sat my snacks down and picked up my remote and started flipping through disney+

"why you dont wanna hear what i gotta say" he says coming and sitting on my bed

"cause you gonna be weird" i say finding a movie

"no im not, i was just gonna say-"

"how about we dont talk about this no more k" i say with my finger on his lips

"ok " he says after smacking my finger away from him

"i dont know wher yo fingers been at" he says getting comfortable

"they be in booty hole" i say looking at him

"ayo- nah bro" he says getting back up

"i was just kidding" i say trying to give him a hug

" nah bro you said what you said" he said pushing me off him

"why you being mean to me" i say acting sad

"im sorry my child" he says laying my head on his chest and patting my head

" yeah yall can stop that now" aya says coming to get in the middle of us

"oouuu who these for" she said picking up tanas reeses

"mine" he said snatching them from her

"ok damn- ill get my own, cmon bella i gotta talk to you" she said getting up

"ok" i say scootching off my bed

"i wanna come" tana said

"nope" aya said pushing him back on the bed

when we made it downstairs, she started getting her snacks.

"so, what you wanted to talk about" i say leaning over the counter

"you know you can talk to me about alijah" she says looking at me

" yeah but its just nothing to talk about" i say

"ok just lemme know when you wanna talk, k" she said coming around the counter giving me a hug

"yeah ok" i say hugging her back

"ok lets go watch our movie" she says snatching me by my hand....

a/n- i was gonna make this longer but i didnt have any ideas and i wanted to hurry and post it

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