Chapter Five: Mexico

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A/N: There will be some Spanish, and Japanese translations.

William POV & 3rd POV

At Playa Del Carmen, Mexico

The trio is now in Mexico. "Woah." Walter said. "All right, Kimura, I'm coming for you. Lance Sterling, and Will is on the scene." Lance said. William felt a bit happy that Lance mentioned him. "And Bond. Hydrogen Bond." Walter said. William chuckles.

Lance looked at Walter. "Dude, you need medicine." Lance said. Lance than saw Kimura's Henchman annoying a couple. The couple hurried and went away.

"All right, y'all better squad up, 'cause here comes the..." Lance was about to continue, but Walter stops him with his foot. "Hey! Did you just toe-poke me?" Lance said. "You're a pigeon. You can walk right past them." Walter said. "He's right you know." I said.

The trio starts to walk past the Henchmen. William with his ability, is not worried. "Oh. Huh. Just a regular old bird." Lance said. Lance than made a chicken noise. Some of the Henchmen looked over.

"Uh, that's not a pigeon sound." Walter said. "Till you grow a cloaca, I decide what the birds sounds are." Lance said. Lance than starts to imitate a duck. Some Henchmen looked over, than looked away. "They're so stupid." Lance said. "You see, it's like you're invisible." Walter said. "Sometime it's a good thing, and other times it's not." I said.

"All right." Lance said. Lance saw a bunch of luggage, and climbed them. Once he got on top, he saw a way to get the room key. "Your room key, sir." The receptionist said, as she handed a couple the room key.

"Bingo." Lance said. Than Walter appeared in front of him. "Okay, let's figure this out. The three of us. Let's go. Let's brainstorm. How we gonna find this nut?" Walter asked as he was doing stretches.

"Uh, you are gonna sit down right here on this very nice couch." Lance said. "But I'm your wingman." Walter said. "Ooh, you know who need a wingman? That couch. Go sit your narrow behind down and do some science stuff... and I'mma go find Kimura. Alone." Lance said as he went under a table. "I'll stay and keep you company." I said to Walter.

"Oh, what is that heavenly smell? Mmm." Lance said as he sniffed the air. Lance saw garbage on the ground. "Oh, no. Do not do it, Lance. Oh... Mmm. Lance! Have some dignity." Lance said as he tried to get away. But begin eating the garbage. "Walter, what is happening?" Lance asked.

Walter, and William looked under the table. "That's a bit gross." I said. "It must be some sort of latent avian instincts kicking in." Walter said.

"Why am I eating food off of the ground? Why does it taste amazing?" Lance said. Two pigeons appeared. The big one is called, Jeff. The small one is called, Crazy Eyes. "Oh, wow. My dude, seriously, give me 10 feet. Hey, no, human feet. Back up." Lance said, trying to get Jeff to back off. "Oh, no. I wish I could un-see that." Lance said as he saw Crazy Eyes, swallowing something he just spat out. "That's gross." I said.

"This is huge. They've made you part of their flock." Walter said. 'Lance is not one for working with a team.' I think to myself. "I'm not trying to be a part of nobody's flock. Shoo! Back up, fanboy." Lance said. Jeff squawked. "I don't care that your name is Jeff. Beat it." Lance said. "You can understand them?" Walter said. "What? No, no!" Lance said.

"Does Lovey really love me? Am I her best friend?" Walter asked. "Why are you asking those questions when you, and Lovey have been together for a long time already?" I asked. "For confirmation." Walter replied.

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