"Damn...you actually killed them all by yourself?" My head looked up a little seeing the back of the man who slaughtered the Maxwell village by himself.
He turned his head to his side "yes why? You wanted one?" He asked me. "No," I told him not looking at him for a quick second with my arms crossed.
I looked back at him his head was back forward. "Our mission is over now," I told him adding "I don't have to look at your ugliness anymore," I smirk hearing nothing from him.
"That's fine I didn't want to hear your beast-like voice anymore," He told me before he started to walk out of Maxwell village.
I watched him leave this sandy bloodbath village with no problem nor words.
My lips started to open but I didn't yell. My lips rejected that idea of yelling instead my lips formed a soft smile on my face when he was leaving. Not because he was leaving no...because I felt another feeling when I watched this man leave.
A feeling I only had for my father. This man did my father's dirty work and killed his village. Samual Xanders grain my respect that bright bloody day.
Samuel Xanders - Short Story
Short StorySamuel Xanders A very short story like 204 words. This story is about respect a girl has for someone a man she never imagines having respect for.