|| Chapter fourteen- distance ||

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Nobodys pov

Espresso was awoken by the sun seeping through his curtains "Mmhhh, what time is itt?" He mumbled to himself. He turns to see his alarm "2:00pm fuck." He gets out of bed and puts his clothes on. He just kept thinking about what Madeleine said to him "Horny drunk? Bullshit. Like I am." He scoffed as he put his tie on "You know what, fuck it. Latte has seen me drunk and I'm gonna find her." Espresso grabbed his bag and marched out the door to go to the library since that is where she spends her Sunday's. Jeez, to think they came back on Friday and Espresso is still pissed. He decides to walk the town centre way to see if he can see Madeleine. Is he avoiding me? Espresso thought to himself. He turns the corner and no Madeleine. Where the fuck is he? He furrows his eyebrows as he walks to the library. Cookies occasionally waving and saying hi. He was well respected in his kingdom, being from the republic and all. Even more now after saving Madeleine. He nears the library and checks the time
3:30pm. He has enough time, he swings open the libary doors and finds latte sat in her corner. "Psst Latte!" Espresso whispered. She instantly lifts her head up and smiles "Espresso!" She shouts "Shhh!" She receives back. She gestures for the brunette to come over and sit down, he walks over, careful to not trip on the number of books on the floor "Espresso sit down long time no see!" He sits and latte smiles "What has my little brother been up to?" She snickers making circles on the table "Being avoided." He grumbles "BY WHO! YOU WANT ME TO HIT EM WITH MY SPOON BECAUSE I WILL!" She almost gets out of her seat when Espresso pulls her back down "No, Madeleines been avoiding me." Her eyes instantly widen "Tell. Me. Everything." A grin spreads across her face as Espresso sighed .


"After I rescued Madeleine we took refuge in a blueberry forest. I fell asleep and Apparently I mumbled in my sleep." "Mumbled what??!!" "That Madeleine was too far away so I couldn't see his face." Espresso sighed "Well I can't see yours!" Latte looked over to see Espresso hiding his hands in his face "This is where it gets interesting so shut up." "Ok!" "We found a town and saw someone there. Macadamia cookie from school. The shitstain who made me move here." "No way!" Latte replied, quietly slamming her fits on the table "And I ran off and kinda got plastered on wine." Latte snickered "Its not funny." "If you say so." Latte replied "Then we got to the hotel and I threw up. Then I pretended to fall on Madeleines chest and then this boy had the audacity to ask me what kind of drunk I was, while drunk. You wanna fucking know what I said?" "What?" "Horny. I said I was a horny drunk Latte." "Well you kind of are Espresso. I mean remember the costume party, you were plastered there too." "So what your saying is that I am indeed a horny drunk." Latte nods "Well that isn't the last of it. I asked if we were boyfriends." Latte looked up "Hold the phone, you're gay?" "Latte I told you last week that I was gay. I have a fucking pin." He pointed to the pin "Oh yeahhh." She giggled "So I'm guessing he's been avoiding you ever since?" She asked "Yeah." "Then go to his house! Talk to him! Espresso you can do it! " Latte quietly protested "Will do." And with that Espresso got up and left after saying goodbye. Luckily his house wasn't too far away from the library. He kept thinking about how this scenario would play out, would they kiss? Would they do more than kiss? Like makeout? Would they do more than that? Espresso didn't even want to think about it although it was enticing. Soon enough he arrives at Madeleines house and knocks the door




"Yello? This is Madelei- oh Espresso! Um. Hi!" "Hi Madeleine. Can we talk?" Espresso replied, brushing his jacket "Um sure! Come on in!" They walk through the hallway into Madeleines livingroom "Drink?" He asks "No, thank you." He replies. "What did you want to talk about?" Madeleine asked. He looked uncomfortable or did he just look guilty? Or nervous? "About why you are avoiding me." Espresso replied blankly. "Espresso the truth is, I just didn't know how to react with the stuff you said. I get you were drunk but I only avoided you because I needed to do some thinking." Madeleine replies with a heavy sigh "Thinking about what?" Espresso asked, clueless of what will happen next "About this." Madeleine smiled and cupped Espressos cheeks in his hands instantly giving him a kiss. Espresso turns bright red but returns the favour. They continue kissing till it progresses. Their tongues meeting eachother in a passionate moment. Espresso mentally grants himself lucky that Madeleine and himself were both wearing button ups. He discreetly moved his hands and began unbuttoning Madeleines shirt. "I see what you're trying to do." Madeleine says as he pulls away. He does the same and instantly goes to kissing Espressos neck and collarbone, the brunettes breathing getting heavy, he wraps his hands around Madeleines back and is lost in thought until he feels Madeleine hit a sweet spot "Fuck." Espresso said in between shaky breaths "What? You like that?" Madeleine looks up and smirks. Espresso nods "Well I'll keep going then." Madeleine carries on kissing Espressos sweet spot leaving love marks all over his neck. They finish by collapsing on top of another breathing heavily, Espresso wraps his arms around Madeleine and Madeleine playing with Espressos hair "If anything you're the horny drunk." Espresso whispers as he gets up and buttons his shirt back up. Lazily. Madeleine does the same "How about we go to the park or something?" Madeleine asks, looking at Espresso who was still red from the experience "Okay." They both walk out the door. Other cookies staring at their messy hair and red faces. People knew what happened and they saw Espressos neck. "My neck you little shit. It looks like a fucking painting." Espresso grumbles "And? Just shows people what we did?" Madeleine smirks. They sit in the park for a while till Espresso goes home. "Bye Espresso!" Madeleine calls out "Bye Madeleine!" He shouts back. Espresso gets to his house and just as he was about to open the door he got a text. "A party at Parfaits house. Next week. Surprise party for Madeleine cookie...Hmm. I'll go." Espresso mumbles and smiles as he opens the door
1131 words.


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