Chapter 1

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I groaned as I turned around in the hall to come face to face with him. "How many years have you been coming down here and I have to tell you every time not to call me that? It's Olivia!" I make sure to accentuate each syllable of my name for him as he just stands and smirks. I nod to the man beside him, "Mark, how are you?"

He nodded and smiled politely, "it's good to see you again Olivia."

"Don't I get a smile and a hello?"

I rolled my eyes, "follow me." I led them to a conference room, opening the door and letting them walk in first, "someone will be with you guys shortly."

Chris grabbed her hand, "when you going to go out with me?"

I groaned, "you realize you're closer in age to my parents than you are to me for one? For two, I am well aware of your habits of bedding young female interns. You'll sleep with me once and get bored. And then I have to hide and avoid you every time you come moving forward." I pulled my hand away, "so thanks, but no thanks." 

Chris laughed, "for one, you're not an intern anymore. I've heard you're a fellow. And for two, somehow I don't think I would get bored of you." He shrugged, "besides, you're a little older than the interns I normally 'bed'." He makes air quotes with his fingers, further annoying her.

I shook my head, "so I'm 23 and they're barely 20? Like that makes a difference?" I pushed him into the conference room, shutting the door behind us. I poked him hard in the chest, "look, I take my job very seriously. I won't have you coming in here and jeopardizing everything simply because you can't keep it in your pants. Find another hole for your dick." I looked back at Mark who was trying not to laugh, "good to see you Mark." I looked back at Chris, "Mr. Evans."

Mark laughed, "good to see you too Olivia."

I left the room before Chris could say anything, slamming the door as I did. I ran into my best friend Elaine as I stormed down the hall.

Elaine saw the red face of her friend, making her laugh as she stopped her, "let me guess, he's here? He's tall. Hot. But incredibly full of himself?"

"He's so annoying. He won't leave me alone. It's obvious he's not used to women telling him no."

Elaine laughed, "want to go out tonight? Get drunk? Maybe find an incredibly hot, chiseled man to take home."

I started to say something but she interjected.

"A guy that's age appropriate, obviously."

I laughed, nodding. I shrugged, "or a girl. You know I'm not picky." I winked at Elaine, making her laugh, "I'll meet you there. 9?"

Elaine nodded, "see you later!"


I was happy I was able to avoid Chris for the rest of the day as I returned home. I ate a quick dinner before changing into a short silver dress with an open back. I pulled my hair half back before slipping on black heels. I found Elaine waiting for me at a high table, "hey!" I kissed her on the cheek, setting my clutch on the table.

"Wow. Liv, you look extra hot tonight!"

I laughed, looking down and back up at her, "are you saying I should have no trouble taking someone home?"

Elaine nodded, laughing, "for sure." She looked past Olivia, "especially if he has anything to say about it."

I turned around to look to where she was looking. I groaned seeing Chris looking at me. "Oh. For fuck's sake." I watched him make his way to us. He had changed out of the suit into jeans and a polo, showing off more of his muscular arms. I groaned quietly, not being able to deny his attractiveness. But I knew his type, I had come across a lot of his type being in DC since I started college. I crossed my arms as he approached us. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at home in bed? Old man."

Chris smirked, eyeing her up and down, "come on. I'm not that old. There's plenty of couples with age gaps."

I rolled my eyes, "couples? We wouldn't be a couple. You're just interested in the chase." I uncrossed my arms, placing them on his chest. I had to stifle a laugh as I heard his breath hitch. I leaned up, bringing my lips just hovering over his, "I'm just the only woman that has ever said no to you and you can't take it." I laughed when I moved away from him, seeing the disappointment on his face. I looked behind him to see some interns checking him out.

Chris watched her point behind him to some younger interns that were obviously vying for his attention. 

"I think those girls are more your speed. Enjoy." I walked away before he could say anything else.

After a few minutes, Chris was sitting as a table with his friend Mark when he saw Olivia dancing closely with a girl. He hit Mark in the arm, pointing her out, "that's why she keeps saying no. She's into girls." 

I saw Chris watching me dancing closely with another girl, our bodies pressed together, making me laugh. At the next song I found a younger college boy, grinding and sweating together. I looked up to see him still watching me as I grabbed the guy, pulling his lips to mine. I heard him moaning before I pulled away, making my way back to Elaine.

"He was watching you."

I laughed, "I know. That's why I did it. I'm gonna go home." I grabbed my clutch and walked out of the club. I took a deep breath; the temperature had dropped lower than I was expecting. I decided to flag down a cab instead of walking. I stopped, taking off my shoes as I opened the cab door, climbing in the backseat. Before I could close it behind me, Chris climbed in, "oh my god. Fuck off."

Chris smirked, "I just want to make sure you get home okay."

I rolled my eyes, giving the driver a twenty before getting out the other side. I heard him follow me as I started to walk home. I didn't turn around, "why can't you take no as an answer?"

He saw her shivering, removing his leather jacket and putting it on her. He was happy when she accepted. 

I shook my head as I kept walking, now with his warm jacket wrapped around me, "you know you're crossing into the 'I'm a creep' territory."

He laughed, walking beside her, "because I'm walking you home? Because I gave you my jacket?"

I stopped, turning to look at him, "because you're following me home. On the pretense that I will let you in. And also invite you inside my apartment."

He laughed again, "no. I promise I won't come in, or enter your apartment. Or touch you, unless you ask." He put his hand on his chest, the other hand up in the air, "I promise, I just want to make sure you get home."

I huffed and continued to walk a few more blocks in silence to my apartment building. "We are here. I can make it to the door myself." I took off his jacket, handing it to him, "thanks for the jacket."

He smiled, pushing the jacket back to her, "keep it." He placed his hands in his pockets so she could see he wasn't going to accept it back. He leaned down towards her, keeping space between them, "I want to get to know you. Not just because you keep denying me or because I want to sleep with you." He paused for a moment, "not that I haven't thought about it. But because of you. I'll be here all next week. I hope to see you again."

"Goodnight Chris." I folded his jacket over my arm, leaving him standing on the stoop as I walked up to my apartment. When I got inside, I looked at the jacket. I checked the pockets to find a napkin with my name on it.

Here's my number
Ball is in your court

I shook my head, he had planned giving me his jacket since he saw me leave the club. It was all a joke to him. 

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