Chapter 14

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I woke up early the next morning, knowing Ian would be over soon. I wore jeans and a t-shirt and tried to clean up the living room area a bit so we could have space to talk and study together. I had just had it sorted when I heard the knock on the door. I found a smiling Ian in casual clothes holding coffee and a box of donuts.

"Good morning! I brought caffeine and sugar!"

I laughed, grabbing the donuts from him and setting them on the counter before accepting a cup of coffee, "good morning. Thank you so much Ian for coming to help me. And thanks for the coffee and donuts." I led him to the living area, sitting with him on the couch. After about 2 hours of talking and going over some things I heard Oliver's door open. I stood up, "morning Oliver." I looked back at Ian, "this is my brother."

Oliver came over and shook Ian's hand, "Ian right? Good morning."

As I was about to sit down I heard someone else come out of his room. "And this is Scott. Seriously guys?"

Oliver shrugged, "you may be able to deny the Evans charm, but I could not." He winked at his sister.

I felt my face flush read as Oliver and Scott laughed. I groaned, hearing a knock on the door. I opened to find Chris, "oh for fuck's sake! What are you doing here?"

Chris stepped into the apartment, looking at Olivia in her glasses, making his breath hitch. He looked behind her, seeing what looked to be a confused Ian. "I'm here for Scott."

Ian grabbed Olivia's arm, "I can go if you want."

"No!" I pointed to the couch, "Ian. You sit. Please." I walked into the kitchen where Oliver and Scott were eating a donut. "You all get out. If you aren't here to help me study for the bar, get out!"

Chris shrugged, "I can help you Livie."

I shook my head, "no Chris. Get out." I pushed him out of the apartment before pushing Scott and Oliver out too.

Oliver stopped the door before it closed, "but I live here Ollie."

"I don't care! I don't want to see you until dinner time. Get out." I slammed the door, resting my head on the door for a moment before turning back to Ian. "I'm really sorry."

Ian laughed, shaking his head, "no. It's fine. Kind of hot actually. Love an assertive woman."

"Thank you. I think." I laughed, grabbing the donuts and brought them to us on the couch.

"By the way, was that who I thought it was?"

I groaned, "probably. Yeah. I'm sorry." I hesitated, "he's a friend. I didn't realize I would have a house full this morning."

"Don't worry about it. You know, you can come over to my place tomorrow if you like. I don't have any roommates. Or siblings. And probably won't have any random drop bys from any super heroes."

I laughed, "that would be great. Thank you."

He nodded, "it's cool. Who knew you were friends with Captain America."

I groaned, "yeah. Can we not talk about it?"

Ian laughed, "of course."


When we finished for the day, I walked Ian to the door, "thanks for the help. I really appreciate it Ian."

He smiled, "of course. I'm looking forward to working with you."

I watched him hesitate before opening the front door, "I'll bring coffee tomorrow."

Ian nodded, "sure. I'll see you in the morning."

As he opened the front door Oliver walked in. I watched him leave before hitting Oliver on the arm, "Scott Evans?! Really?"

Oliver laughed, "why not?" He set dinner on the counter for them.

I sat at the counter, accepting the food, "because he's Chris's brother! Someone I'm sort of maybe dating!"

"Sort of maybe dating?" He laughed, "you don't even know what you want Ollie. You keep pushing him away. And it was just sex. We both know that."

I groaned, "you're going to make it weird between us."

Oliver laughed, "like I said, you keep pushing him away. And what about that Ian guy? He's cute." He nudged her shoulder, "not our faults the Evans boys can't stay away."

"Oh god." I laughed, hitting him in the arm. "Ian is super hot. But we're going to be working together. So I'm not sure that's a good idea. And Chris. I just don't know. I don't really want to think about guys right now."

"Well..." Oliver stood up, "you might feel better if you got laid. How long has it been?"

I groaned, laying my head on the table, "Marcus. Like 2 months ago now."

Oliver laughed, "see you're stressed. Might I suggest an Evans boy? He's getting laid, why shouldn't you?"

I looked up at him, "what do you mean he's getting laid?"

Oliver hesitated, "nothing. I've said too much."

"Oliver Michael! Speak!" I stood up, pushing him against the counter.

He groaned, "Scott may have told me that Chris has a few women he sees casually just for sex. And since you keep pushing him away...." Oliver shrugged.

"Seriously? I'm going to kill him."

He laughed, quickly grabbing his food and taking it to his room. I plopped on the couch, staring at the ceiling. He was seriously sleeping around while still trying to pursue me? And he wondered why I had trouble letting him in or trusting his intentions.

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