Chapter 45

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"So how is this going to work?" I ask, pointing to our clothes hanging from the chairs in the room.

"I don't think it's any different than at home, but if you want me to explain, you put your feet and arms in first. Your clothes should just slide right on after---"

"Haha. You know what I meant. How do you want to do this?" I ask.

"I'll lie here and wait for you to get dressed," Asher answers, exaggeratingly putting his arms behind his head as if he'd just watch.

I don't have to say anything, the look I give him is enough.

"Worth a shot," he says, shrugging. "Obviously I will turn over and cover my eyes and you can get your clothes and change in the bathroom. I'll change out here."

"Promise you won't peek," I ask. I'm suddenly very shy. This moment feels intimate and yet we barely know each other.

"Harper," he says very sincerely, "I would never unless you asked me to."

His words make me smile. I nod and motion for him to flip over. Once he is positioned safely on his face, I slip from the bed and grab my clothes, hurrying off into the small bathroom.


We paid for the room and asked if we could stay one more night. The woman was very generous and tried to refuse our money. I think she's still convinced we are newlyweds and to be honest, I'll admit that there is something about the idea of being newly married and so in love that makes even the hardest of people want to share in that any way they can. I've done it myself, watching the glow of the bride and groom as they danced last night and failing to keep a ridiculous smile off my face.

"I can smell it, can you?" he asks. He reaches for my hand and tugs me down the old stone street.

The most inviting smell of onions and peppers draws us closer to the middle of the tiny town. Buildings with giant arched entryways stand proud along the aged road. Even with the blemishes that speak of decades of wear from the harsh sun and rain, the faces of these shops still appear to welcome tourists and townspeople with warmth and eagerness.

We don't try to blend in. Not in a place like this. We would stand no chance. I have a feeling if I spoke the language I could ask each person we meet if they knew they know everyone in this town and would never get a no. So instead we allow ourselves to embrace the full tourist experience. Our days have been spent wandering around, worrying about how we would make it back, but now we know. It's like reaching the end of a upper long semester and knowing even if we fail the final, we are still passing. That bus leaves tomorrow morning to deliver us right back at where we started. We're ok.

"I can't wait!" I tell Asher as he navigates the streets like a police dog in search of its target. His nose is up and at times his eyes are closed, following the scent as we snake along through the small streets.

"This place is amazing," he says quietly, stopping us both for a second near a large fountain. The small edges have been worn away by the weather, but the tiny stone angels still water their gardens at the foot of the looming religious figure. His arms are outstretched and his feet are bare, but beneath him the water is blue and secretly promises renewal if you need it.

"I've never been anywhere like it," I answer.

The squeals of small children bounce off the old stucco and adobe as a young boy and girl make their way to the fountain. Their chubby little fingers splash around on the surface of the water and together they can't stop laughing. A woman smiles at us as if to apologize for the rambunctious pair, but then hurries along to catch the tiniest before she topples into the small pool.

We stand and watch as she hands each of the children a small coin. She models holding it to her heart with her eyes closed as I imagine she makes a wish or says a small prayer. Then she tosses her coin into the water. The kids watch with pure delight as the coin dances and swims down to the bottom of the beautifully tiled pool. The little girl takes great care in following the instructions. Holding it in her hands delicately, closing her eyes and moving her mouth in a silent request. She then opens her eyes and tosses the coin towards the fountain. It almost makes it. But she need not worry, her little friend picks it up and brings it back to her.

"Aww, they are adorable," I whisper. When I look up to Asher, he's already staring down at me.

"I guess sometimes we need a little help to make our wishes come true," he tells me.

The little boy holds his coin out to the girl and without any prompting she kisses the metal in his hand. It's a silent but powerful blessing judging by the look on the little guy's face. With pride, he puffs out his chest and tosses his coin into the water with a loud splash.

Asher reaches into his pocket and pulls out two coins. I already know my wish, so I accept it with glee. He then holds out his to me, and I know what he's asking. I give it a small kiss and then he and I toss the coins into a fountain that may not be literally magical, but in this moment it's magic in its own way.

***What did they wish for?? What would you wish for??****  

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