Chapter 27

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I'm hungry. My stomach growls as we finish making our way through whatever crop is growing on this land. Maybe wheat? It's something tall.

"Is that your stomach?" Asher asks.

I think he's making fun of me, but when he turns around to look at me, I can see the concern on his face.

"I'll be fine. I'm just hungry," I tell him.

"Me too," he says. He wipes at his brow with the back of his arm. If I were alone right now, I'd be panicking. I trust Asher. Together we are going to get out of this mess.

"Do you see that flat spot up there?" I ask.

"Yes," he replies. "I've been looking at it for the last ten minutes. Are you thinking what I am?"

"It might be a road," I answer.

"Yes!" he screams and throws his arms up in celebration. It's just a road. I'm a little confused as to all the excitement. "Look!" he points to a large tree.

Glorious apples are visible hanging from its branches. "Is that a mirage?" I ask.

"Don't spoil it if it is," he says as he takes off jogging in the direction of the tree.

"Wouldn't think of it," I answer, quickening my pace to not get too far behind him.

The miracle tree doesn't just provide nourishment; it provides a shady place to sit and rest while we eat. It might be the best apple I've ever tasted. The skin is shiny and a deep red color that makes my mouth water. As Asher bites into his, I hear the crisp sound of the fruit breaking away from the core and then the comforting crunch of it in his mouth. I've never been so happy to hear someone chew in my life.

"This might be the greatest apple I've ever seen," he says, holding up his bitten fruit like a prize. I laugh.

"I'd have to say this one might be a bit prettier." I rub the skin of the apple on my shirt to make it shine.

"Why are you always so competitive?" he asks.

"Because I'm a winner," I respond quickly. Then I wink.

"Let me see it. I'll be the judge."

I hand my apple over confidently. I'd picked the largest, most appealing fruit I could find in my reach.


My head whips around in his direction.

"You're right," he says as he holds up my apple with a large bite missing. "Yours is a little better than mine."

"I can't believe you just did that," I say as I snatch my apple back.

"I like to win too," he replies.


We eat our apples for a while, taking our time. We have no reason to rush. We have no real plan to get back. Even if that is a road up there, how will we decide which way to walk on it?

"Do you think Jess will notice you're gone and send someone to look for us?" I ask, tossing the core of my apple to the side.

Asher thinks for a minute. His gaze drifts down to his feet where he's drawing shapes in the dirt. "I hope so, but probably not."

I haven't thought that question through because his answer requires an acknowledgment, but I have no idea what to say to it.

"I'm sorry," I finally decide on.

Asher shrugs.

"We should pick a few more apples in case we don't get anywhere soon," Asher says as he stands up. He reaches out his hand to help pull me to my feet.

In my typical fashion, I believe it is the perfect time for some serial killer fact dropping. "You know," I say with a mischevious look, "there have been a few famous serial killers that used arsenic which is found in small amounts in apple seeds. It's like old-school poison."

"Of course you'd know that," he replies with a huge smile. "I don't know if I should be more worried about you or that shady cow."

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