|Chapter 1|

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[TW: Blood, knifes, cutting]

There he was. Wilbur Soot. Jonathan Schlatt had looked up everything he could about the man. He constantly stalked all of his socials and went to the park everyday just to see the man that had captured his heart.

But he always had to admire from afar, as Wilbur probably didn't even know that Schlatt existed.

Now Schlatt was watching the brit from behind a tree. Every so often he would stop his staring and glare for a moment or so at the red head that sat next to Wilbur on the bench.

Sally Salmon, also known as Wilbur's girlfriend. Schlatt loathed her strongly. He knew that as long as she was with Wilbur, then he would never have a chance with him.

Unless.. Schlatt shook his head. It was a crazy thought, absolutely insane. Something that only maniacs would do. Psychopathic activity. And yet.. Schlatt couldn't help but consider it.

'No', Schlatt thought to himself, denying the idea. But as he began his walk home, the chilly autumn wind blowing against his face, the thought brushed his mind again.

And from there, he made a plan.

He was going to kidnap Wilbur Soot.


Wilbur rubbed his hands together. The sun was starting to set, and it was getting colder out. He stood up from the park bench he was seated on. "C'mon Sally, I think it's about time we get home", he said, offering a hand to the red head that was still sitting.

She smiled and gingerly took his hand, standing up slowly. Sally started walking towards the apartment they shared, previously just Sally's until Wilbur moved in.

Wilbur went to follow her, when he caught a glimpse of someone standing behind a tree. He turned his head to look at them. They were wearing a dark green hoodie, and jeans. He appeared to have brown hair with a streak of white in it. His eyes were a very pretty caramel color.

'He's not too bad looking, quite handsome actually..", Wilbur thought before pushing the thought to the back of his brain. He had a girlfriend for God's sake!

The guy behind the tree's eyes widened when he saw Wilbur was looking at him and quickly started walking away in the other direction. Wilbur considered going after him for a moment, but his thoughts were interrupted.

"Wilbur, sweetie! Are you coming?", Sally called, her voice tinted with impatience and annoyance shadowed her face, even though she was smiling.

"Oh uh, yes, sorry hun", Wilbur said, hurrying in her direction to catch up.

"Soo, what was so distracting over there?", she asked innocently.

"I just saw some guy, nothing special", Wilbur replied, glancing at her.

"Do you know him?", Sally questioned,

"No, he was just staring at me", Wilbur responded.

"Oh, alright", her eye twitched a little, and on the inside she was very mad, but she didn't let it show.

He looked at her in slight confusion. He wasn't sure why she seemed so annoyed, but he didn't really care anyways. He could look at and talk to whoever he wanted.

the red means ily <3 [schlattbur]Where stories live. Discover now