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The next morning, Osamu woke Atsumu up, and then went to have breakfast with their friends

When they got out there, Oikawa and Iwaizumi joined them in line, while Sakusa and Komori waited for them at a table..

Komori- "Your staring.. and probably blushing as well"

Sakusa- I jumped.. "Huh?.. am I? Sorry.." I looked away, and down..

Komori- "You need to tell him that you heard the conversation! You barely got any sleep because you couldn't get him off your mind!"

Sakusa- "It's awkward.."

Komori- I sighed.. "Listen.. I know you all agreed to keep it a secret for now, but you need to soon, ok? Cuz I'm not going to be dealing with your ranting about how frustrated you are"

Sakusa- "Alright sure.. I just need the two others to know"

Atsumu- "Know what?"

Sakusa- I looked at him "Nothing.." and looked back at my food..

Atsumu- Weird.. I sat next to him "You haven't eaten much"

Sakusa- "I know.. just not super hungry today" I could feel Motoya staring at me..

Atsumu- "Alright then.." I went to eating my food.. Something is wrong..

After eating, they all went to practice..


Practice ended at about 11:30 am for lunch.. but, Atsumu, Suna, and Oikawa all noticed that Iwaizumi, Osamu, and Sakusa we're all acting weird..

Of course they were competitive with each other, that was normal, but whenever one of the three boys would talk to them, it would be weird and awkward..

They wanted to say something to them, but they didn't want to invade privacy..

When they sat down for lunch, Oikawa, Atsumu, and Suna ate quickly or didn't finish their food..

Atsumu- "Done!"

Oikawa & Suna- "Same"

Atsumu- "Alright, then follow me. Just Oikawa and Suna though. Hmmm..." I looked at Komori.. "You might know something.. Komori to! Follow me!" I started walking towards the hallway and out the front door to outside, so the other three boys couldn't know what we were talking about..

They all followed Atsumu, and just to keep safe, Atsumu looked inside, and didn't see the other boys trying to listen, so he shoved Komori, Suna, and Oikawa around a corner, and then made sure they weren't followed...

Oikawa- "What are you doing Atsu?"

Atsumu- "I wanna talk to you all without the other three, so I'm making sure they aren't trying to listen to us"

Suna- "How do you know Komori won't tell them what we say?"

Atsumu- "Because Komori is a good friend of mine now, and would keep anything a secret for me"

Komori- "That also means I'll keep my cousins secrets to"

Atsumu- "AHA! So there is something going on!!"

Komori- "Yes, something is bothering him, Iwaizumi, and Osamu.. but it's not a bad thing..?"

Oikawa- "That was more of a question.. are they ok?"

Komori- "I think..? It's complicated.. and it's hard to confirm any of your questions without explaining everything.."

Suna- "So tell us"

You're Weird... •||• ✧Sakuastu story✧Where stories live. Discover now