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Patrick Holland was pacing back and forth in his room. Of course he meant it as a joke, but when he read the whole conversation again, he knew that it was so harsh on her. If Paddy was in her place, he would have known the pain she was going through because a few days ago he was proud of her, and now he had fucked up.

Amelia James was driving aimlessly around her street wasting the gas. Tears were streaming down her cheeks endlessly. Maybe this is it. This was a sign that the universe doesn't need her. First her parents' death, then depression, after that abuse and now hurt. The only thing that made her want to live was Paddy and their baby. But now, only the baby was left. She was all Amelia had. 

The song on the radio switched to Breathe by Taylor Swift. This was perfect for the situation. She did see Paddy's face as she drove. People are people and sometimes they change their mind. But did it kill him to see her go this way? He once was a person who would take her breath away when he was near her and now she couldn't really breathe when he wasn't around.

She pulled up outside her house deciding not to waste the fuel in her car anymore. Before getting out of the car, she applied concealer to cover her puffy eyes. She rubbed her baby bump once. She found herself doing this at any given moment of her day. It was relaxing. Also, she was proud of the little bean that was growing inside her and would protect the child no matter what, even if it includes killing a few people.

When she entered the house, she saw Paddy on the couch with his hair ruffled and dangerously red eyes. He was holding a beer bottle and was watching some crap on the television. Carefully, she placed her car keys and started walking towards him. Letting out a deep breath, she sat down next to him. He was so lost in his own thoughts the he didn't notice the girl.

"You know, I can't drink" she said after sometime. This startled the boy and his head whipped around. "Oh My God you are here!!" he exclaimed like a child with a big grin plastered on his face. Seeing this, the brunette chuckled. But his smile soon faded away realizing what he did to her.

"I'm sorry" he said. The boy knew she wouldn't forgive him soon, but he still made the effort. He made her feel insecure and he hurt her really bad. He knew that there was not any other girl in this world he would trade these years for. He hugged he so tight never wanting to let go. "Little bean... is... getting crushed" she managed to say. Paddy quickly let go not wanting anything to happen to his daughter.

"Uh you didn't-you didn't say anything" he said rubbing the nape of his neck. Amelia gave a small smile and spoke. "Look um this-this actually hurt me. I knew you meant it as a joke, but all my life I never wanted to be a disappointment. I'm scared of everything right now. Any moment I can disappoint anybody but it wouldn't matter much to me. But there are a few people who I want by my side. And when it comes from them, its a whole other story" By this time, both of them were in tears.

Paddy fell down on his knees crying. She ran to him and snaked her arms around his shoulders. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" he kept apologising over and over again. She just sat there and let him cry on her shoulders. He cupped her cheeks and touched their foreheads. They sat in a silence which was all that needed. Both of them closed their eyes and he closed the space between then placing a soft, long kiss on her lips. This kiss was not like any other kisses they had. This one was an apology for everything. This kiss was asking for a chance to make everything right and continue from where they left off. Amelia understood this and that is why when they finally pulled away, she nodded her head.

Night had fallen and both of them were getting ready for bed. Amelia just hung up after her FaceTime call with Grace and Haz. That call was exhausting because Haz kept yelling at Paddy. Amelia was helpless and sometimes snickered. Now she knew how Grace felt when Amelia was yelling at Haz one time when OsterJames were dating.

Paddy just got the engagement ring he ordered a few weeks ago. You read it folks! Padil may get engaged in a few days. He hid the ring in a locker in the closet of one of the guest bedrooms. He wasn't like his eldest brother who left the ring on the dining table.

"Pads!!" Amelia screamed. He ran to his room. "PATRICK HOLLAND!!!!" she yelled when Paddy barged into the room. "What happened? Is everything alright? Is the baby okay?" he panicked. "No idiot she's kicking!!" Paddy's eyes widened. He swiftly placed his hand on the bump but didn't feel anything. Just when he was about to retract his hand, he felt it. "Oh my god" he whispered. Suddenly all this felt real.

A/N- In case you guys are wondering why I don't post everyday like I once used to:
1) I have so much in store for this story that I can't put it in words
2) I'm trying to get over my douche ex who is now with some other girl. (if you guys have any tips, please DM i really need it)
Anyways i hope you guys enjoyed the story. Don't forget to vote and comment! 
On a side note: I have published a new story called "Adopted by Harrison Osterfield" Make sure to check that out too and my other stories. Love ya guys!

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