Chapter One: Really Fucking Weird

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The ground underneath me pierced my knees as I collapsed to the ground. I used my hands to push my sopping wet hair out of my face, but it immediately fell back in front of my face.

I put my hands in front of me on the ground while I struggled to catch my breath. Both of my lives have officially collided and I have no idea what to do about it.

Over the pouring rain I hadn't heard someone walk up behind me.

I jumped a little when I felt a hand gently touch my upper back.

"Aero?" Thomas said to me as he crouched down awkwardly next to me.

I turned to face him. Rain drops covered his face and his wet hair flopped down onto his forehead.

"I- I'm sorry," I whispered but loud enough for him to hear me.

He made another face of annoyance, only this time it wasn't as direct.

"Don't apologize," he said as he pulled me into a hug. I collapsed into his arms, causing him to fall completely to the ground.

"I don't want to interrupt this moment," Patrick's voice boomed towards us. "But your crazy friend is waking up!"

We turned to face the distant shack where Patrick's head was sticking.

I mumbled "fuck" as I stood up.

I guess instead of running away like a child I should probably face the music.

I made it to my feet and looked down at Thomas, who seemed to be having trouble getting up.

I stuck out both my hands, which he accepted and then we both used all of our might to get him up.

We slowly walked towards the shack. Once we got inside, we saw Ben sitting on the ground in the same place only now he was sitting up. Aurelie stood near the couch with her arms crossed.

I went to go in but Thomas's hand stopped me.

He gave me a look, and then went in front of me to enter the shack first.

"Don't worry, I don't feel the sudden urge to kill you right now," Ben sighed.

I went to take a step forward but Thomas blocked the window.

"Thomas, it's fine," I told him nudging him over. He hesitated but finally let me pass.

Everyone in the room looked at me with blank stares. I guess it's time to explain everything.


I drummed on my knees with my fingers almost the entire Uber ride from the airport. I tried to comfort Cole, who constantly looked seconds away from having a panic attack. He was still stuck on it being too good to be true, thinking they were going to be psycho killers or that he'd be a disappointment.

Honestly, I don't know what to expect. With our luck, probably psychopaths. But then again I feel like we deserve a win for once so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. The thing I can't stop thinking about it that Cole has another brother. Watching him mourn Hunter was one of the worst things to have to witness so I am afraid of Cole getting hurt again.

I'm also kinda worried about Aero. Leaving her in Canada with a bunch of strangers—nope, don't think about it.

We're just gonna check out Cole's new family and then I can go back and watch over Aero to make sure no one tries anything funny over there in Mountie land.

"I've never been to California before," Cole uttered to me as we carried our luggage through the airport.

"You're not missing too much," I replied struggled to carry my overstuffed duffel bag.

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