Chapter 7

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TW: drunk sex, drunk consent, bdsm, praise kink, humiliation kink, dom/sub, age difference, professor x student

The sun was close to peaking out behind the horizon when Spencer lamented over you both having finished his only bottle of wine. You were blissfully drunk, Spencer just a smidge more sober, every other sentence punctuated with infectious laughter. Spencer's eyes never left yours, he hung onto every word that tumbled off your lips, completely captivated by you. You adored him like this- you wanted to be the reason why his one-of-a-kind sweet smile that always made your knees weak was etched onto his lips.

"Maybe we should go to bed," Spencer finally suggested, followed by a loud yawn. The wine somersaulted in your stomach as you stood up, Spencer reaching out to steady you as you lost your footing. You briefly wondered if he expected you to leave but decided to not question it, instead deciding to choose optimism.

"Water first?" You asked, realizing the room was gloriously spinning, the copious amount of alcohol you had consumed now awarding you with your very own merry-go-round experience. Your vision was rather blurry, the room seeming to melt into itself at the edges.

"You read my mind," Spencer replied with a short laugh, stretching as he stood up from his couch. He led you into the kitchen, steadily pouring the two of you a glass of water. You quickly thanked him and greedily downed the glass, glad to finally have something in your stomach that wasn't just red wine and shots of vodka. Without having to ask, Spencer refilled your clear glass with more water. You drank it just as quickly as the first, hoping that your vision would straighten out. The gymnastic performance occurring in your stomach fortunately dulled, effectively hindering the spins that you had.

"I was thinking that we could share my bed- only if you wanted too, of course." His eyes didn't meet yours as the words left his lips. For a moment, Spencer looked almost shy, completely void of his former dominating aggression.

"As long as you don't steal all the covers," you retorted, playfully pulling at his belt loops.

"I wouldn't dream of it." Spencer murmured in reply, crossing the minimal space that separated the two of you to plant a kiss on your lips. You wanted to burn this moment into your brain, tattoo this miniscule semblance of domestic bliss across the forefront of your mind. The feelings you had for Spencer had swiftly transformed from pure hormonal lust to a sweet crush to something much stronger. You wanted him desperately and deeply, he was that headrush that you felt when you reached the top of the roller coaster and found yourself hurdling over the edge without another care. Sure, you were young and likely consumed by the temptress who called herself infatuation, but none of the fairytales you had been told as a child prepared you for this. No other human you had met in this vast universe made you feel the way Spencer did. And you wanted to feel like this every second.

Spencer pulled you closer to him, deepening your kiss. He brought his hand to the side of your face, lightly cupping your cheek as he pressed his lips to yours, leaving you breathless. He untwined himself from you for a moment, grasping at your hips to push you back towards his countertop. He lifted you up with ease and placed you down on his countertop before eagerly returning to kiss you.

You kissed him back passionately, relishing in the way he tasted. His fingers found the edge of your dress that was now bunched up at your hips. He carefully pulled it off over your head and tossed it to the floor before bringing his lips to your neck. He kissed and sucked as he made his way down to your chest, finally coming to a stop at your breasts. You suddenly realized that his apartment was just a bit cold, a cool draft washing over your body, causing your nipples to harden. He closed his mouth around one of your nipples, teasing you with a light bite before running his tongue over the raised bump. He brought his fingertips around your other nipple and pinched you, eliciting a soft gasp from your lips.

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