Chapter 2

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First order of business: washing off the road grime. A nice soak in the tub and I was all sparkly-clean and fresh. I patted some of my Dad's aftershave on, put on his bathrobe and headed to the kitchen. Passing the living room, I decided to close the curtains, then stopped and peered out. I could see across the lane and into the living room of a neighboring house. A family -- Mom, Dad and daughter -- was playing a board game on the floor. The Mom and daughter immediately caught my attention. The Mom looked to be in her mid-thirties and was in great shape, dirty-blonde hair down to her shoulders and a form-fitting golf-type shirt hugging her nice-sized breasts and slim waist. She was definitely a MILF (Mom I'd Like to Fuck). Her daughter had light brown hair and was wearing a tight half-top and shorts that showed off her shapely legs and! She was slim and looked like she still had some growing to do. Given her Mom's apparent age she couldn't have been older than 16 or so, I figured. It was now dark outside and the movement of the curtain contrasting with the lights behind me attracted the mother's attention. I quickly closed the curtains, but not before noting a peculiar look on her attractive face. I fixed myself some chow and watched the tube for a while. Finally I was tired, so I turned off all the lights and went upstairs to my Dad's bedroom. Doffing the robe, I quickly fell asleep under the sheets. I was having the greatest dream. I was laying in the back seat of a car, with Sarah Michelle Gellar naked and giving me an incredible blowjob. She was licking me like a lollypop, and then switching to full suck mode. God it felt good! After a few minutes she climbed on top of me, slowly sinking her hot, wet hole down onto my cock. She sighed in pleasure. What a dream! Suddenly I woke up. It wasn't a dream, or at least the sex wasn't. Someone was riding my hard-on, moaning in ecstasy! My initial shock was blunted by the pleasurable feelings emanating from my crotch. It all still felt so unreal. My hands moved to touch my unknown partner's legs and bucking hips, then moved up. Nice firm skin...a slightly rounded tummy around the midsection. My hands moved up to her breasts as my eyes adjusted to the dim light. I had seen these tits before! My suspicions were confirmed as the clouds outside parted, allowing just enough moonlight to spill through the bedroom window and onto her face for me to make out her features. The mother from across the street was fucking me hard, intent on the pleasure the rapid penetration was giving her. "Ooh, you're awake, lover" she sighed as she looked down at me. Her voice was sultry, wanton. "Remember when you told me about your fantasy to be fucked awake? Welcome home!" Well, it wasn't my fantasy before, but it sure was now! What a way to wake up! Her pussy was pleasantly snug around my member, the up-and-down friction adding to the ever-increasing sexual high. She continued, "Oh Hugh! I'm so glad you came back early. You know how horny I get when I'm ovulating...Dan won't even touch me because he might get me pregnant! I'm so glad you can't!" Her up-down motions increased, as did her breathing. She closed her eyes. Huh? Oh, that's right: Dad got a vasectomy a few years ago. Suddenly reality rushed in -- OH SHIT! She couldn't tell I wasn't my Dad in the dim light, and thought that I would be shooting blanks! I had to get her off of me before it was too late, but how? If I stopped her she would wonder why, maybe even turn on the lights. Next stop: the police station on charges of rape! I was stuck. I couldn't think of a way to stop this without revealing myself. That old familiar tingling sensation was beginning in my balls and her movements were becoming more frantic. I had to think of something soon! I tried to think of anything else to get my mind off the gorgeous "yummy mommy" bouncing on my lap, but really, what chance did I have? The added danger of impregnating this sexy mama just made it so much more hot and forbidden. She started to gasp, her eyes still closed as she bounced harder and faster: "Oh God, give it to me...give me your cum. I love being able to fuck you bareback. So good! Hugh! Oh ohh ohhh!!!" Her pussy started to spasm around my member, setting off my own orgasm. UHH! UHHH! My pelvis thrust upward, my body instinctively wanting to give my "boys" the best chance at her waiting egg. I exploded into her cunt, my babymaking sperm shooting forcefully into her depths. It had been a few weeks since I had been with a woman so my stuff was most likely quite potent. I figured there was no chance she wouldn't become a mother again, but I was so caught up in the moment that I didn't really care. She collapsed on top of me, her face against my neck. She had done all the work but we were both exhausted. After a few minutes of catching our breath she gave me a peck on the cheek and dismounted. "Mmm, that was good" she said, pulling on her robe that had been on the floor. "See you tomorrow, stud." Not if I see you first, lady, I thought. First thing in the morning I'm out the back door. I was lucky to have gotten away with this and was quite willing to cut and run. She left the room and I heard the front door quietly close a few seconds later. I fell back asleep. I was having another dream.

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