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It had been a long time since I had been so angry. Actually, I wasn't sure if I had ever reached such a level before. My entire body was thrumming with rage as I held the collar of Whitebeard's coat, feet firmly planted on his chest.

"(Y/N), please, calm down." Marco was trying his hardest to pry me off, but I wasn't budging. "You need to understand that this isn't just going to be some run-of-the-mill fight-yoi."

I knew that. Nobody had to tell me twice. This was us versus The World Government, The Navy, as well as their murder-machine Warlords. It only made me angrier that they thought that I hadn't even bothered to think it through.


At first, I thought it had just even a poorly thought of joke when Whitebeard suggested that I should be dropped off before reaching Marineford, but when it was mentioned again, I realised they hadn't been jesting.

"Ace would be opposed to this. You know that, don't you?" Whitebeard, entirely unphased by my throttling, pointed out, and I finally released his collar, stumbling back into Marco and almost making the both of us topple down to the deck.

"Do you really think I give a flying fuck at the moon whether he'd oppose or not?! Pops, I love you, I really do, but I am not being left out of this!" I had been more than just emotional over the past few days. I had been downright distraught, and I prayed that I wouldn't break down in tears for the umpteenth time.

"(Y/N), it isn't because we doubt your abilities, I assure you." Izou piped up, standing at Whitebeard's boot and looking up at us. "The Warlords will be there. Meaning Doflamingo..."


There was no way to hide my momentary hesitation once I realised that to be fact. If I were to join them in their assault on Marineford, there would be no way to avoid seeing him. There would even be a chance he'd attempt to steal me back.

No, that's a risk you need to take, (Y/N). Ace needs you.

"S..So what?! That isn't what matters! I'm going, and none of you can stop me!" I sounded like a toddler, I was sure of it, but I couldn't have cared less.
"So be it. If you desire to fight, then you can fight. I apologise for trying to make a decision on your behalf." Whitebeard apologised and I immediately felt bad for jumping at him.

"Thanks, Pops...I'm sorry, I just-"
"No, I understand, and I admire your love for him. We'll have your back, and you'll have ours, but I must insist that you rest yourself. You're running on fumes." He wasn't wrong. I was in horrible shape, and Marineford wasn't too far away. I needed to try to restore at least some of my energy for what was to come.

"Okay, Pops..." Sighing, I didn't fight as Marco lifted me into his arms and jumped down to the deck, continuing on towards where Ace and I shared a room. He was completely tense, as was I, but neither of us said a word until he was setting me down on the edge of the bed.

"I want you to promise that once we strike, you won't leave my side-yoi." Marco met my eyes, and I was compelled to start another argument, but I just didn't have the energy left in me.

"I promise, unless I have a clear opportunity to get to Ace..." I murmured my response, looking away when his hand came down upon my head. It was heavier than usual.
"Doflamingo isn't the only threat out there, kid. Marines, admirals, the other Warlords, and god only knows who else. You're tough, but I'd feel a lot better if you stuck close-yoi."

He's just worried. I can't blame him. I'm not the strongest, by any stretch of the imagination...

Much to my dismay, the tears began to fall again, and I looked up at my close friend, searching his expression to see if I could find any hint of what I was also terrified about.
"Wh..What if we can't save him..?"

I saw it. That flash of pained uncertainty behind his eyes, as much as he tried to hide it. Crouching down, he held my face in his hands, wiping away my tears with gentle sweeps of his thumbs.
"We can't think about that possibility, okay? Now, you need to get some sleep. Doctor's orders. Can you do that for me-yoi?"

Slowly nodding, I carefully pressed my forehead against his for a moment before he stood up and left the room, lingering in the doorway for a moment to look back at me. Once he was gone, I felt the familiar chill of my Devil Fruit before laying my head down in an almost icy lap.

"Cora..." I whimpered his name, and that was all that was needed to feel the ghostly touch of his hand, brushing through my hair, just like he had always done. "...I should have never let him go after Teach...If I'd tried harder, this never would've happened..."

I wish you could give me advice...I need it...

Despite being unable to speak to me, Corazon's spectral presence was helping, even if only a little. Over the past few days, I had been relying on too many people, including Marco, Izou, Deuce, Pops. At least I knew I couldn't bother Corazon.

"I can't lose him...Cora, he's done nothing wrong...Not all Pirates are villains, so wh..why are they putting him to death..? It doesn't make sense...I need to make them pay..." I squished myself further into his lap, longing to feel the familiar warmth I once had, long ago.

Revenge had gotten us into this mess, but I couldn't help but long for it. Ace wasn't a plunderer, or a murderer. Sure, he didn't pay for everything, and caused mischief every now and then, but he loved to help people. How was his existence a crime?

"W..We only just found each other again...and I wasted so much of it fighting with him, and being a bitch..." I wasn't sure if my voice was carrying further than the edges of my lips, but it didn't matter. "Why do I waste so much time with the people I love..? I always lose them..."

Closing my eyes, I knew I had to at least try to get some kind of rest, even if it wasn't actual sleep. The gentle brush of Corazon's hand helped, but it wasn't ever going to be enough. Not until I could hold Ace in my arms again.

My thoughts drifted to Doflamingo, and what would happen once he realised I was there, so close but just out of reach? How would he react? How would I react? The fear I felt when bringing his face to mind was tainted with something that felt far more sinister.


A filthy, diseased kind of love that never should have existed in the first place. Avoiding him would have to be my second priority, so it made more sense deciding to grant Marco's request of staying beside him.

"Don't won't have to see him, I promise..." Sure, my words were directed towards the ghost of Corazon, but I knew deep down that I was talking to myself.

Storm in, save Ace, and sail away. That was the goal, and that was what was going to happen. I had to keep telling myself that. There would be no casualties. No losses. Everyone would be okay.

I had to keep telling myself that.

Ace's scent was still rich within the room, on our belongings and our linen, and it hurt. Traces of him just wasn't enough. I wanted to feel his stifling heat as he embraced me, and see that deep crinkle around his eyes whenever he gave me one of those goofy grins. I wanted to count the freckles dappling his cheeks for the thousandth time, and let his light snoring lull me off to sleep, like it had countless nights before.

I just wanted him alive.

I barely reacted when Corazon shifted so he was laying alongside me, pulling me so that my head rested more comfortably upon his cool shoulder. Of course I didn't, because it had been my will.

"We can do this...He's our family...We can get him back. We can save his life...right..?" Again, I didn't recieve an answer, but I still repeated it, over and over, trying to convince myself that it wasn't just a chance. It had to be fact.

Ace, I swear to you, no matter what it takes, I'll get to you. We're going to bring you home...That's a promise...


I'm dreading the upcoming chapters. I am absolutely clueless when it comes to writing fights, so please have mercy xD

Next Time: Within Reach***

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