Part 6

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*he then kisses you*

Jungkook: Hehe *giggles*

Y/n: What?! *Smiles*

Jungkook: your beautiful *winks*

Y/n: What a surprise *teases him*

Jungkook: .....I see I didn't amaze you *smiles*

*Time skipped, it is now pretty late and you are going to your room*

Y/n: Jungkook! *Shouts from upstairs*

Jungkook: Yes...

Y/n: What is this?! *You take it in your hands*

Jungkook: That is a dress for you, we are going to a ceremony tomorrow so...I was thinking you may need it *smirks*

Y/n: Don't you think it shows too much skin?

Jungkook: No...not really...I trust you *smiles kisses your forehead*
Anyway, lets get in bed...

*You then go to bed*

*Next morning*

*You wake up in Jungkook's embrace, so you gently get up and have breakfast, when you hear a knock on the door*

Y/n: Hello *opens the door*

???: Hello, Jungkook lives here, right? *Nervous*

Y/n: Yes, do you need him?

???: Yes please... *Slightly smiles*

Y/n: But first, who are you? *Confused*

???: Oh, right I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Bethany, Bethany Jones, nice to meet you *smiles*

Y/n: B-Bethany Jones?!

Bethany: Yes, why, do you know me?

Y/n: N-no, I don't *lies* come in and I'll get him, just sit down *you then go to your shared room and wake him up*

Y/n: Jungkook, there is someone who wants to see you...

Jungkook: Who?

Y/n: You probably don't even want to see her but she go... *Nervous*

*He then gets up and you go downstairs as he follows you*

Jungkook: Bethany?!

Bethany: Omg...You have changed so much! I barely recognised you *smiles*

Jungkook: what are you doing here? *Upset*

Bethany: I wanted to say that I'm sorry, and do you remember Min Y/n?

Jungkook: Of course I remember*smirks while you look at eachother*

Bethany: I think that she would be a total slut right now *giggles*
Anyway, since I bet this is your maid, do you think we could try this again...It has been 5 years by the way and things changed a lot since you left.

Jungkook: I Think that you don't know who you are looking at *mad at the word he said about you*

Bethany: what do you mean?

Jungkook: This woman, is Min Y/n, Who is Now Jeon Y/n, She is my wife not A Maid! And I would never get back with you!


Jungkook: I don't like ugly and fake people *smiles*

*He then pushes Bethany out the door*

Jungkook: She thinks she can have me back when I have you *giggles*

Y/n: are you even taking that seriously?

Jungkook: what? Yes of course I am, I mean I'm a Mafia CEO*giggles*

*It's a late evening now and you are getting ready for the ceremony*

Jungkook: ok, Y/n! Are you ready?

Y/n: Yes *you grab your purse and go to outside to the car wearing your tight black dress which he bought you*

Jungkook: Hmm *he chokes seeing you in the dress*

Y/n: are you ok? *Giggles*

Jungkook: Yea, I-I'am, we are going to be busy after this ceremony *smirks*

Y/n: Dirty jerk! *You then giggle again and get in the car*

*As he starts driving, you are on you phone and he puts his hand on your thigh making you feel butterflies in your stomach*

*Anyway, you get to the motel where the ceremony is*

Servant: Mr.Jeon is here with his Wife Mrs.Jeon *smiles*

Mr.Jeon: Thank you *he then as he holds your hand he pulls you and sits you down at a table with 2 more forced married couples*

Mr.Kim: Well, Hello Mr.Jeon *smiles* this is Mrs.Kim *disgusted face*

Mr.Park: Hello Mr.Jeon *smiles* this is Mrs.Park *smiles, he is also in love with his forced married wife as Jungkook is with you*

Mr.Jeon: Hello, this is my lovely wife Mrs.Jeon *smiles*

Mrs.Jeon: Hell, nice to meet you *shy, sitting down next to him*

*After a few hours, you, Mrs.Park and Mrs.Kim are having a great time so you go to the bathroom and spend some time alone until you go back and Mrs.Park stops you at the corner of the room where Jungkook can't see you*

Mrs.Park: I think Mr.Jeon might kiss a girl *nervous*

Mr.Jeon: What the Hell * you look at a girl who is trying to flirt with Jungkook and since Jungkook thinks it's you he let's her do whatever and sit on his lap*

*You then go towards him and shout his name*

Y/n: Jungkook!

Jungkook: what, omg! *He then looks and as soon as he sees that it's not you sitting on his lap, he pushing her out the way and stand up coming towards you*
I thought that was you...

Y/n: Really? For 5 years yous till don't know how I feel? My body texture? And you let her sit on Your lap?!

Girl: Is she your wife? *Disgusted face*

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