Part 14

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*Big Time skip*

*It has been 16 years and you and Jungkook have your first baby girl who is now 16 years old*

*You guys are really happy together, your daughter goes to a public school which means there are boys too*

*Many boys hit on her and Jungkook is a very protective father towards her*

*Anyway, it is the end of the day and Jungkook came to pick up his princess from school*

Mark: Hey, good looking *smiles*

Julia: Hi...*small wave*

Mark: You know , I was thinking...

Julia: Not right now, please *a little attitude*

Jungkook: Julie! Come here! *Happy opening his arms for his daughter*

Julia: Dad! *Happy, goes to hug him*

Mark: You, dad, i-is the...Mafia?

Julia: Yeah...why?

Mark: Oh no just wondering..Bye *he then runs*

Jungkook: Who's that? *Smiles, looking down at his daughter*

Julia: doesn't matter, let's go! *She then grabs ber dad's hand and rushes to the car*

*They get in the car and drive home, when they get home they see his father sitting down opposite you in tears*

Julia: Mum, what's wrong? *Worried, sits down next to her putting her hand on her shoulder looking at her*

Mr.Jeon: Sweetheart, you don't need to worry *smiles*

Jungkook: Julie, go to your room please *demands but in a soft tone*

*She then does as she has been told, but she stands by the door so she can hear the conversation*

Jungkook: why are you here? *Sits down next to you comforting you*

Mr.Jeon: There has been a change of plans... You either break up with Y/n or you might have to leave them..

Jungkook: There is no way I am going to follow that plan! *Cold tone*

Y/n: It is your choice... You are the one who will do this...not me...

*Julia couldn't take it hearing her mother teary, and hearing the conversation, so she just runs out the house*

Y/n: Julia! Where are you going?!
*Stands up worried*

Julia: I can't take this! *Teary, slams the door behind her*

Y/n: go after her... *Looks at him as he listens to you and goes after his daughter*

Mr.Jeon: There are only these options... They have been made by your- your father... *Looks down*

Y/n: AND MY FATHER WOULD say something like this? I mean why wouldn't he, Apparently I had to give him money and stuff and now that he forced me to marry Jungkook, he wants us to break up or he leaves us?!

Mr.Jeon: I understand how you feel

Y/n: you don't! His mother died, there is nothing you can do about it! I found out that my mother is alive 16 years ago...what else is there?!

Mr.Jeon: I don't know..look I'll tell you this.... And you'll do it if you don't want him to leave you or break up *straight face*

Y/n: I'm listening....but Just to make this clear... Julia will not be involved in anything that has to do with this got it?

Mr.Jeom: *He then tells you something that you can do but no once can know*

*Mr.Jeon then leaves*

*Jungkook pov*

*He found his daughter in their own secret place*

Jungkook: Princess... Come here *opens his arms again*

Julia: Dad... *Turns around* I don't want us to be separated... *Teary going into her dad's arms*

Jungkook: Me neither sweety, but I promise we will stay together no matter what *smiles* now let me see that bunny smile you took from me *pouts and after she smiles he smiled back placing a kiss on her head*

*They, then come back in and you see them*

Julia: Mum... I'm sorry...

Y/n: You don't need to be sorry, however can you go to your room? I need to speak to your dad *fake smiles*

*She then goes up to her room*

Y/n: You father said that my father  was able to break into the office and change those plans... He is also the one who made these two options...But I wasn't told what would happen if we don't do it *scared*

Jungkook: that son of a b***h!

Y/n: but I think, that it would be better for me to go... I mean, if I am gone we wouldn't have to break up but we need to act it, and  you wouldn't need to leave us because I will be the one leaving *looks down*

Jungkook: You are not leaving anywhere! Julia needs you, and Me... There is no way!

Y/n: It's the our only chance...

Jungkook: Tell me, where will you go?!

Y/n: I'll find a place... *Fake smiles*

Jungkook: Stop trying to smile! I can see your fake smile! I'm not stupid...!

Y/n: Then if you are not stupid...let me do this so at least Julia can have a strong man beside her *slightly smiles*

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