Chpt. 1, Beginning

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A/N- hey dudes and dudettes:) Thank you for choosing to read my book. This is my first book so please be kind. If you spot a mistake please comment politely and I will fix it. There will be some other languages and if I say them wrong I apologize. But anyways Enjoy the story....


10 years ago....

Livia's POV (Mattea's Older sister)

"Please if you would just give me more time, I have my little sister to take care of." I pleaded.

"You had your chance. As for that sister we can do an agreement and I will let you live...If you hand over your sister to me, all charges are dropped." He said with a wicked disgusting smile. I can't believe he would ever think I would give away my sister. 

"I would rather die!" and with that I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I looked down and my white blouse was covered in blood...


Mattea's POV:

10 years later...

I woke up drenched in sweat. That night I was twelve. Hiding under the desk in my sisters office. All I heard was a faint sound. The sound of a suppressed gun. I tried so hard that night not to scream and ball my eyes out. She was dead. That dream replays every single night.

That night when that man left. I ran out of that office and into the streets. I didn't stop running. I needed to get far away as possible. I couldn't take it. I was scared they were coming for me next. 

 When I was running I had turned the corner tears running down my cheeks and I hit a hard man. He looked like he was in his 60's. But he didn't look his age. He was a well built man. He changed my life that night. He took me into his home and fed me. I didn't have nothing to lose that's why I went with a random stranger. Turns out he was a retired assassin. I was scared and shocked and prayed he wouldn't kill me, but then again he wouldn't have fed me and been so nice if he were to decide to kill me. He was the best of the best. If you thought you were better, you're wrong. He was ruthless. He taught me his ways and gave me a reason to live, and that was to avenge my sister. His name was, I never knew his name. He was smart. He had told me he was an assassin but in case something happened to me, he didn't want to get exposed. I called him Sir most the time or just random nicknames. 

But enough of this story. I have things to do. 

I got out of bed and took a shower. I live in a penthouse because I've made a living from what I do. And I'm proud of my success. I got out of the shower and went to my walk in closet to choose the outfit for today. 

I decided on a black dress with chains(on top) . Black is my favorite color. I put some black combat boots on with it. I did some light makeup and went to go get my daily coffee. 

I went inside of the small coffee shop a couple blocks away. I decided not to drive today. I sat at the counter and contemplated what tasks I wanted to do today. 

"The usual Taya?" ( Taya is Mattea's nickname) said the barista named Lana, she's one of the very few friends I have. I trust her, but its small trust. I don't trust anyone. 

"Yes, thank you. How has your day been?" 

"It's been busy, college is really wearing me out." She said with a small sigh. I have offered to help her many times with college funds but she won't let me. But that's what I like about her, she is a hardworking, trustworthy person. 

She gave me my mocha frappe. I like keeping her company while she works. I always leave a 20$ tip. I've been here for an hour or so and its time for me to go to "work". I said my goodbyes and left the cozy coffee shop. I went home and changed into my attire. For "work" I usually wear all black. 

I went on my laptop and looked through all the jobs I had too do. I think I'm going to finish the smaller jobs today.  The smaller jobs pay around 20,000- 100,000 dollars anything higher is a job that I need to prepare myself for. The smaller jobs usually consist of killing a couple people. Everyone wants to hire me. I have a list of 35 different jobs to take care of. There are about 20 smaller jobs. I'll get them done today. I accepted all 20 requests. They sent me the money as they know I wouldn't screw them over. 

To disguise myself I wear brown contacts, a black mask that covers have my face, and tie my hair back in a sleek ponytail.  

After a long day of killing people different and ruthless ways. Like simply shooting them, slitting their throats, cutting their own fingers off and choking them with them, etc. I know I'm a sick person but I find it amusing. I always make sure the person is innocent before I accept the job. And every single time the person did something stupid and unforgivable. 

When I got home it was about 9pm. I took out the eye contacts, then I took a nice long shower washing all the blood off me. When I was done I got into some comfy pj's. I decided to look at the files on the people tomorrow. I looked at my tasks and as I was reading them, a new task popped up. All this is being done on the black market. Everyone knows me as the name Creed. 

As I opened the notification. The task explained I had to take down a whole mafia...What the fuck. I have never done a job this big. The money is 3 million! It gave me specific information on the man. His name is Alexander Kane Knight. 55 years old and has lead his mafia for 35 years. He has two sons ages 22 and 24. Names Nick and Gabrielle. Cameras on all wings of their mansion. doubled guards and high security gates. Cameras dispersed in the house every floor and by every hall. This is going to be tricky. The reason is Alexander killed my clients family and does underground work for human trafficking. So not only if I accept this ill take out a mafia and one of the biggest human trafficker. There is an estimate around 200 men just in this one house. 

I accepted the task, it seems my hands might get a little dirty...


Thank you for reading this chapter I promise it will get more interesting!! Until then 

To be continued....

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