Chpt. 2, Planning

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A/N- Hey this is my second chapter please comment your opinions but lets just get right into the book. Thank you!!!! and if you guys or gals didn't already know Mattea's nickname is Taya. And if you also didn't know how to pronounce her name its pronounced (Muh-tay-yuh)


Taya's POV

I decided to do the other tasks some other time. Right now I am focused on this big opportunity. I needed to start planning. I went to my weapons room and was contemplating which guns I should use or if I should use any. Am I really going to take down a whole mafia?

I thought this through. I need to have a meeting with my client. I have never done that before and it could be risky. 

 I would have asked Sir for some advice but i don't know how to contact him. I need to just think of a name for him. Lets call him Ross. I am stupid. He just shows up from time to time. He's older now. He is almost in his 80's I think. 

I went to my clients 'form' i guess you could call it and found out it has a contact number on it. I grabbed one of my burner phones and dialed the number. He picked up after the first ring. 

(C=client, M=Mattea)

C-"Hello, who is this."

M-"I am going to make this quick and easy. It's Creed and I need to speak with you in person. Cancel your plans for tomorrow at 3:00pm. I am going to your business, isn't it Lorenzo Co.? And your office is located on the 25th floor, I will be there at 3:00 exact, in your meeting room next door."

C-"How did you-"

M-"That's not the point. Be there and be ready."

With that I hung up the phone and labeled it with Lorenzo's name(That's the clients name). So I can call him again if necessary. 

It was 2:35 in the morning so I went to bed. I did all of this in a night. I am proud.

The Next Morning...

I only got a few hours of sleep it currently 11am . I went to the coffee shop but left right away this time because I need to hurry. 

I got ready for the day, and put in my eye contacts. (outfit on top) I put my long black hair in a high pony-tail. I put my  combat boots on. I did my makeup and by the time I was done drinking my coffee and getting ready it was 2:30. I put my mask on. And went out of my balcony and onto the roof. 

On the roof their is a ladder in the back of the building that leads into an alleyway where my work car is parked. 

I got into the office and decided... I am going to walk my happy ass straight to his office and if anyone gets in my way I  will kill them.  I walked into the building and went straight for the elevator. 

"Hey Stop her!" the front desk lady said.  "If you lay a finger on me I will cut it off and choke you with it. I have a meeting with Lorenzo, and I don't have time for you goons. Let me up the easy way or the hard way." I said dangerously and annoyed. They looked at me then gave me a key card. I don't know why he didn't book me. Maybe for secret wise. I knew that the lady was going to call him as soon as I was in the elevator. 

I made it to the 25th floor and as I thought right on time. I made my way to the meeting room and kicked the door open. I know that was a bit dramatic but common. 

He was standing there along with three other men. They all sat down and he pulled out a chair for me. 

"I didn't know you were a girl-" 

"Is that a problem?!" I said giving him a death glare. He instantly tensed up.

"No, uh, so what is it that we need to discuss?" he said hastely

"Just shut the fuck  up and I will get to the point." I put my feet on the table because I don't care.

"You want me to take down an entire mafia. Now there are some clear flaws. I am not going to be able to do it by myself. I need at some men to be bait maybe like three-"

"Three men got it-"he said but then I took out a blade a threw it at him skimming his shoulder and sticking in the wall.

"I don't like being interrupted." I said coldly and flat. I didn't want to kill him. He is paying me after all. He nodded. "Anyways, I need those men as a distraction. I need time to take out most of the cameras and someone to take out the guards in the front. The odds of me winning if I do this on my own is 90%. Now I like to make sure its always 100%, cause not only will that affect my reputation but It will also lead to a possibility that I might not get the job done." I gave a serious look. 

They all nodded. Then one of his three men raised their hand. "What." I said 

"How exactly are you going to kill everyone inside. You're a girl- not that it matters, but its just you. And you only need the three men to kill themselves basically. "

"Precisely. I need them as bait. They are a mere distraction, that are most likely going to die. And as for me. Don't worry about it." I said deeply.  He gulped

"So, therefore get your three best men or women I don't give a fuck. You know what, it could be some random weakling, They are going to die either way. And with that I am done here." I stood up and left.

I made it back home and decided to go to a club tonight. 

I took out my hair and let it down freely. It reached all the way down to my butt. Took out my contacts to reveal my beautiful light green eyes. I love my eyes. 

I know i'm beautiful, I am not afraid to show i'm confident about it either. I decided to wear a tight black two piece that showed my curves beautifully.

 I decided to wear a tight black two piece that showed my curves beautifully

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I Left my house and went to the first club I saw. There was a VIP section upstairs. This club is very nice. The smell of alcohol and sweat filled the club though. I went to the bar and a very handsome man was serving tonight along with a very beautiful lady. I ordered my drink and was just sitting there contemplating on my next move. When I looked over at the stairs that lead to the VIP section, I saw the most gorgeous man I have ever seen coming down those stairs.....

To be continued....

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