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Lexie sat in the kitchen starring into space as Esmè walked in. Esmè looked to her sister and frowned.

Lexie knew her sister and she knew that there was something bothering her and she couldn't help but worry

"are you okay" Esmè asked as Lexie looked up at her and sighed as Esmè frowned as she looked to Lexie.

Esmè wasn't stupid and she knew her sister and she was starting to get worried

"okay that's it, talk to me what is going on with you" Esmè said as Lexie frowned

"what do you mean" Lexie asked as Esmè looked to her and rolled her eyes

"I mean I know you and I know when you are keeping something from me so tell me what is it. What's going on with you" Esmè asked as Lexie groaned.

Lexie knew that she never could keep anything from Esmè "mum is going to kill me" Lexie said as Esmè frowned

"she always wants to kill you but go on" Esmè said as Lexie looked to her and sighed

"I'm pregnant, I'm pregnant too and she literally is going to kill me and I don't know what I am going to do" Lexie said knowing it was a mess

Lexie got to school and walked into simons office and closed the door as she looked to him

"how do you feel" he asked as she sighed

"like I am going to throw up every two minutes and the fact I have to tell my mother which isn't going to go down well. I feel like crap literally. I hate this. I just don't know how we are going to do this" she said as Simon walked over to her and smiled. He walked over to her and placed a hand on her cheek and smiled

"I know that you are worried and so am I but I love you and I know this baby wasn't planned but it will be okay as we will love it no matter what and we will find a way to make it work it will just take time to come up with an idea but not matter what happens I am here for you as I love you and I swear I am going no where as I am going to look after you" Simon said as Lexie looked to him and smiled as she leant in and kissed him

"I hope that your right as it just feels like it's all going to end in disaster about now" Lexie said as he smiled

"I know but it will be okay I promise" Simon said as he pulled her close and kissed her

Lexie got home and frowned as she saw Nikki

"we need to talk" Nikki said as Esmè looked to her and sighed not liking the sound of it

"we do" Lexie asked

"yes when we're you going to tell me that you were pregnant" Nikki asked as Lexie groaned

"who told"

"no one I found the test in your room when I was tidying up. What the hell Lexie Esmè now you"

"oh yeah because I did it to spite you didn't I? Look I am pregnant and I am keeping it" Lexie said as Nikki looked to her

"are you sure about this as it's a big decision" Nikki asked as Lexie looked to her and nodded

"I'm sure" Lexie said knowing it wasn't going to be easy but knowing she wanted her baby

Mummy's bad girl *waterloo road*Where stories live. Discover now